Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Spiders and Fire Extinguishers

Our Personal Taxi :)
Monday was standard. I've spent every Monday of my mission in Cape Coast. We did the normal things like pulling sub, shopping, and then emailing. Hospital and cooking later. The day was pretty good.

Tuesday we had to go back to Cape because the darn ATM captured Elder Kiiza's card.... Eish. So we got that squared away and then went to District Meeting. Life is interesting in a district of 7 sisters and 4 Elders. It's a lively bunch. After, though, we went to a chopbar and enjoyed paah! I did some washing and then gymed.

Elder Harward and I hit the hospital early in the morning to free up the day. The weather was on our side. It rained before we left and after we got back. I read the scriptures for a while and then Elder Harward and I played cards and visited. I prepped rice so that the other Elders could eat right when they got home. There was a massive spider which I nuked with the fire extinguisher since we were out of insecticide. But we don't know what happened to the spider, after the puff we didn't see it. No body no nothing.... Kinda sketchy, hopefully it doesn't hold grudges.

Would you trust this driver?
I wish I actually knew who the people were that we plan for. I'm clueless when it comes to that stuff. Elder Kiiza made Japatis and then topped them with eggs and fresh tomatoes. It was really nice. I made curry and then read quite a bit more. I washed and then gymed my triceps super hard. Man, I'm so sore.

The whole day was just dandy. Studies were super great. Revelations is just packed with so many wonderful insights. DIS was a little more busy than normal. So we had 2 quality gospel conversations with old men. :) Elder Harward and I played more cards and then enjoyed some curry. And I got Elder Harward to gym with me. Maybe I'll get him to get some muscle mass... :) He's going to be so sore... Hehe :)

Personal Studies are really my highlight of each day. Elder Kiiza and I went to the hospital in a super sweet three wheeler. Bro. John took us. Man it was so sweet. Open sides, fresh air. The Assistants got me a phone too! So now I can be at the house with a phone. I taught Elder Kiiza how to play scum and we did that for quite some time. Swept the house and gymed. :) And I got a letter from Elder Daniel Clark! So stoked for that!

Elder Kiiza!
Sunday, during the sacrament a thought just kind of settled on me. And it was: "Any trial, or any hardship, can be overcome if we have pure love." Christ demonstrated pure love by performing the Atonement. We will do anything for those we love. And we are willing to do more for those that we love more. So let us all increase our love for everyone. :)

I wrote a few letters and played cards with Elder Harward. I read the Book of Mormon for ages. It's hard to put the book down. It's so wonderful and is just a joy to read. I love it so much. :)