Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas in Ghana

Those Christmas
fireworks though.... :)
We kicked Monday off by having a little zone Christmas party. We visited and played some games. But the main event was the White Elephant gifts. The Africans had never played a game where you can steal gifts before. They really enjoyed it and had a little too much joy in stealing from one another. ;)

We went and prepared Geloff with Sister Gloria and her family. Lights went out so I couldn't finish emailing. Teaching in the evening was rough, both appointments were so unfocused and unwilling to learn.... oh well.

Package from the Neilson Family :)
On Tuesday I was finally able to send my first (and probably only) package home! The post office here is a lot more reliable than you would think. We finished emailing and then managed to get 2 lessons. One with a girl named Adjua and then another with Christian's prospective woman, Agnes. The lessons went really well, our only hope is that our quantity of lessons increases. :)

Zone Conference! It was a wonderful experience. They had it at the Mission home and President Stevenson and his wife did such a good job on making it feel like Christmas. He gave some inspiring instruction regarding obedience and the Temple. I love the temple so much and am so grateful that we have like 13 in Utah. :) They performed the nativity for us and read out of Luke 2. They fed us good food for lunch and then to close we watched a Christmas Carol and ate brownies!

I did however have a little reaction to something in the food..... In short I was rushed to the Hospital that night and they got me squared away. A new experience I had, while laying on the hospital bed I had on the other side of the curtain, a young woman giving birth.... So Heavenly Father was bringing in a new spirit child since I was going to die. Out with the old and in with the new ehh? ;) It's quite an eventful experience when the only thing you get is the audio of a delivery. :)

Spent Christmas Eve morning in the Hospital, WOOHOO!!!!...... I was feeling quite revived so they discharged me and I went home. :) We went to the stake center that evening to participate in the Carols night. Lots of different groups sung different Christmas Hymns. Even us Missionaries did a piece. :) However, there are only so many hymns that you can sing for Christmas, and most of them were sung more than once.... :) I am however coming to learn of the true meaning of Christmas, since I'm not around any of the commercialism or gifts. It's wonderful. :)

Our Christmas lunch :)
Efeshyeh Pah! The day was so wonderful. I began by opening a package I received from a family in Ivory Utah. The Neilson family. :) A cute little family of 5 which put together a cute little package. All of the missionaries in GCCM (Ghana Cape Coast Mission) received a package from a family in Utah. I took a do-it-yourself malaria test because the Africans in the apartment are set on me having malaria. I told them they're crazy and I took the test, and guess what! I'm right! It was negative and I'm healthy. They're all such goobers.

And boy was it expensive.....
We went to a wedding and then to a really nice restaurant (as nice as they get in Ghana) and the 4 of us got 2 nice pizzas to share. It was so nice pah pah. Following I got to Skype for 2 1/2 hours! It was so nice to hear and see my family. They are all so wonderful and are doing such wonderful things in their lives. :)

Saturday we taught a good 4 lessons, and hopefully they'll all come to church on Sunday. The zone leaders had a baptism. We attended to show support. It's nice to see that the work is progressing everywhere. :) Aside from that the day was completely normal. We've had no water all week. So we've been living out of half-liter sachets.

The Christmas celebrations are so much bigger the day AFTER Christmas. Man these Ghanaians are crazy. :)

This was our last Sunday at 9am. Next week we move to 11:30. Not as many investigators came, but a few came. :) I didn't take lunch, I napped instead. We went and saw Christian and Agnes and visited with them for awhile. After which we went to Mami Supa. She fed us Geloff and Chicken with Mineral. She is such a generous woman. We visited with a few members and then meandered back to the house. :)

So that's what the week of Christmas is like in Ghana! An experience worth having for sure. ;)

Monday, December 21, 2015

A Christmas Package, from home and above

Monday was crazy at first. We went to draw our subsistence by visiting all 4 ATMs and all of them saying we have insufficent funds..... AFTER we walked for ages the office Elders called and told us we couldn't draw today due to transfer stuff.... But they finally worked it out by evening time. I got my family's Christmas Package! My favorite things were the letters, the conference Ensign (since we still haven't heard or seen conference). We visited Christian after emailing and had a good miniature FHE :)

1/2 the primary
I finished Proverbs! It is honestly my favorite book of scripture in the Old testament (so far) So many life lessons. :) After District meeting Lawrencia fed us Fufu and Nkakrah. She has never made a bad meal. We had a solid message with Christian and Benjamin. His mind is gradually changing, which is good since he's known the truth for so long!

Pounding Fufu!
Wednesday we gained 4 new investigators! Hala! And 2 of them were contacted the same day! I've been a lot more productive with Elder Masendi. It's nice to work with that excited new missionary zeal. :) We finally got to meet with the WML (Ward Mission Leader)! Just before PEC. So hopefully we'll be seeing him more and he'll start doing his part. :) Power went out. But I still managed to make brownies! And they turned out really well. :)

My lovely brownies. :)
Another 4 new investigators! That's 8 in 2 days! The Lord truly answers prayers. If it matters to you, it matters to Him. Success in the past has been very very small. But this week we had such wonderful success! That is truly, the best Christmas gift the Lord can give to me. :) Vacation for the Youth also starts today and tomorrow, so we'll get to be teaching a lot more youth for the next few weeks. :) Elder Hannemann is crazy paaah. I discovered a little fire and was about to put it out, before I knew it Elder Hannemann emptied the entire huge fire extinguisher! The fire was put out..... along with a now empty extinguisher. :) He does something everyday that adds a little flare to mission life.

Sylvia is finally back!
Elder Masendi and I work so well together. Friday, we managed to get 8 lessons! Crazy! I've never had 8 lessons in a day.... Man, time flies when you're teaching. Before you know it it's dark and time to head in. I love teaching rather than sitting. :) Agnes (Christian's Date aka girlfriend) fed us Accra Kenke. It's a lot better than the Fantse Kenke. We've been getting lots and lots of FMs (Full-time Missionaries) which is so nice because it allows up to spend time with those providing.

Our downstairs neighbors :)
Saturday, we taught Benjamin first thing, and he told us straight up that we wants to be Baptized and join the church! Wachacheah! That makes me so happy. To know that someone wants to follow our Savior is so wonderful. That is the best thing someone could want. Lawrencia fed the 4 of us AGAIN! Good heavens, it makes me wonder where she gets the means to provide.

Lessons lessons lessons! It's wonderful! The week flew by because we were so busy all day everyday!

Goofs... :)
Sunday we went to pick a new investigator - Grace, but she wasn't around. :/ We did however have 6 investigators attend church! The church is true! ;) Agnes fed us again, this time Fufu and Abenkwyne, these people are so kind and generous, it's amazing how much I've learned from them. Later Mami Supa fed us Benku and Okrah soup! After dinner, we had a long discussion on lots and lots of gospel things. I love my fellow Elders.

My email was a little shorter, but I would like to bare my testimony on the Savior and this Christmas season:

Oh my!
What a good looking missionary. ;)
I am so grateful to be a missionary in Ghana. It might not feel like Christmas time, but I can truly feel the Spirit of the newborn babe. I am so thankful for the gifts Christ has offered me. The chance to repent and the chance for Eternal life. I used to always get caught up in the season of worldly Christmas, but mission life has changed my perspective on nearly everything in life. I have been pondering on the gifts our Lord has given us, and then think, "What have I given the Savior this year?"

Prince Boy!
Let us all reflect on what the best thing is to give Him. I love Him so much and I love His church. It is truly the only way to get to Him. The most valuable gift you can give someone, or one of the most valuable gifts, is your time. Time shows love and sincerity. :) I love you all and am grateful for all the people I've met and that are in my life!

Have a very Merry Christmas!
My favorite!

Monday, December 14, 2015

It's a Boy! ;)

The church is true!
Monday was errand running. We went and picked up a few things for Elder Ofordeme since he's leaving. We chopped Fufu for lunch. We only got to email for 30 minutes because lights went out.

Last District meeting together
We went and visited a few members before going to the Andoh-Kesons for FHE. I gave the message on a story in the Liahona about the Christmas spirit of giving, and how the most precious gift you can give someone is your time. :)

The last supper
Tuesday was my last full day with my Father! I'm going to miss him so much. Combined District meeting was good. Signed journals and took lots of photos. Since Elder Ofordeme is leaving, we got 3 FMs! Lawrencia had us help her make rice and stew, the Andoh-Kesons made us Fufu and Abenkwine soup, and then Brother Kweku made us rice and chicken! So much eating....

The generations
Transfer day! The day began by rushing through some quick errands for Elder Ofordeme. We got to Tantri station just in time to meet my son, Elder Masendi. He's 23 and from Uganda. He's a sweet guy and has that wonderful new missionary zeal. :)

That's me!
We first went and saw bishop and some of the members. I made sure Fufu was his first meal since it was my first meal also. :) We saw lots of our investigators. PEC (Priesthood Executive Committee) didn't happen. :/ We went to the market and got some small things for a vegetable stew. It was the nicest I've made yet. :)

The new crew :)
My son's first full day! He's a hard worker and doesn't like standing around. He wants to get things done, which is a nice change from previous weeks. We teach with great unity too, I was worried at first if we would sync. But that's not a problem. He wanted Fufu again for lunch because he liked it so much. Nearly all of our appointments dropped... But we managed to teach to people unexpectedly! The water at the house finally works! The pressure is terrible but a little stream is better than nothing. :)

His first meal :)
Productivity went up on Friday. The days go so much faster when you're teaching. :) I love teaching, standing around and walking to and fro is so boring and tiresome. Teaching is so wonderful and refreshing. :) No one is perfect, especially me. So we are working out the few kinks in our teaching unity that we have. :)

Walking walking, the days are filled with walking. We went to a non-serious investigator's wedding first. Another affirmation that Apostasy is real. An Elder was ETd (Emergency Transferred) so we met the new Elder, Elder Hannemann. He's from Alpine Utah and is a really humble guy, very likable and is a stud of a guy.

A quick stop at the Barb!
A prayer was answered today. We had no one to teach period. No one was picking their calls and the day seemed pointless. We decided to say a prayer asking for guidance on where we should go. I felt prompted to take a route not normally taken by Elders. We came across a member and began visiting, before we knew it he gave us a referral and showed us where she stayed. We taught her and set a return visit. :) The Lord truly answers prayer. :) If it matters to you, it matters to the Lord.

from Mission President's
camera:  The bull
outside the Bakano Chapel
Sundays are always so nice. A day of remembrance and rejuvenation. Rosemary came to church! She finally came! Now the key is to get her to keep coming ah? :) We had lunch after and then went out. Christian had a referral for us, she wasn't home but it's good to know where they live and their name, so we can find her in the next few days. :) We weren't expecting to teach anyone since it seems everyone goes to the beach to play football on Sunday. But we managed to have 3 lessons! The more I get to know Elders Masendi and Hannemann, the more I come to love them. :)

from Mission
President's camera:
A traveling bead bazaar
hits Cape Coast
The Christmas season is upon us. It's easy for us missionaries to give our time to the Savior and people around us. But for those of you back home, what gift have you given the Savior this year? What gift will you strive on giving next year? I love the Savior so much. I know that He lives and that through Him, we can all receive eternal life. I love the church and know that it is true. The church is our anchor. The world will toss us to and fro on the stormy sea of life, but the gospel will hold us steadfastly, completely firm without doubt. I am so grateful to be serving my mission here in Ghana, teaching and bringing back my fellow Ghanaian brothers and sisters back to the fold. I love you all so much. :)

Friday, December 11, 2015

A father to be!

At the Temple
Monday was sweet! We did a few miscellaneous things for Elder Ofordeme and did some small shopping since transfer is coming. Still no water, Joy! We came back and took a small nap. Emailing was terrible. The network was slow and the machines were terrible. Every good place didn't have network or power, so we eventually gave up on emailing.

Family Home Evening was wonderful. We had Christina and the Imbrah Family. We played spoons and taught a lovely lesson correlating to the Second Coming and how we are preparing to meet Christ. All of that was related to the game.

Turtles :)
Gymed so hard Tuesday. Studies are always good. Jesus the Christ is one of my favorite books ever! It sheds so much light on everything involving Christ and His life both before, here, and after.

My boiis!
We had interviews with the President at the mission home. President Stevenson is such a wonderful man. I'm so grateful he will be my Mission President for my whole mission. After and during those we received some instruction from the AP's on how we can better receive referrals. We got back to our area a little later than expected. Benjamin was our only lesson. The only thing holding him back is the fact that the Church has the Authority from God to baptize, once he realizes the actuality of that then he will feel comfortable with the church. So we are praying that that realization happens soon. In the evening the AP's called.... and I've been called to train! What?!?! That's crazy! I'm a little nervous but I think I can handle it. :)

At the at the mission home
for interviews!
Wednesday we only had one lesson.... It's really disappointing when all of your planned appointments and all of your back ups fall through, it feels like no one wants to hear our message. But we know that with continued hard work, the Lord will bless us. PEC didn't happen again.... surprised? Power has been off and on lately, and the fact that water is still not in the house makes life just peachy..... :) I did however teach Elder Nwatah to make Banana bread, it's a pretty big hit. ;)

Merry Christmas!
Transfer is approaching!!!! Gahh! I'm anxious to meet my son (trainee) and get to know him. Thursday is weekly planning, but it's kind of hard to plan for a week when you don't know if you'll be staying or getting transferred. It's possible that I'll be whitewashing an area, since Elder Ofordeme only has a transfer left, and President Stevenson doesn't like moving missionaries with one transfer.

Our last Sunday as a clan....
Lawrencia fed us rice with stew and the day before she fed us fufu with abenkwyn. She likes to feed us, which is always a nice change.

The biggest Mosque.....
Friday was a blast. The Hanlonds took me and Elder Bremwell to Accra because of our non-improving rashes. They spoiled us. They took us to a mall and got us a little steak burger and ice cream, some lovely apples for the car trip. The doctor diagnosed it as Eczema..... sure, why not. So I'll be trying another cream. Elder Hill (the area doctor) and his wife gave us more ice cream when we stopped by their place to give them the reports. We stopped at the temple and took some nice pictures. The day was just swell. :) we got back at 10:30.

My companions for the day!
First thing Saturday we taught Benjamin and his wife! What?!?! The first time since ever we finally met his wife. She's always out traveling or selling. So that lesson was a really nice change. :) Teaching aside from that was poor, but hopefully our efforts will blossom soon.

Celestial food :)
Transfer News!! I'm staying!!!!! Elder Ofordeme will be getting transferred to Kojokrum. It's going to be hard to see my father go. We have truly become really good friends and I will forever remember him.

My dream food
Fast Sundays are always good. The fast makes the day quite meaningful. We spent most of our time visiting and saying goodbyes for Elder Ofordeme. Summer time practically came overnight. There is so much dust in the air that you can't see all that far. It's drier than dry, and hotter than hot in the day. But the nights almost get cold enough for a blanket, but not quite. ;)

the Cape Coast district

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Weeding and Moving

The District
Monday was crazy busy, but it was filled with fun. We had a district activity. We played games, danced, and ate good food. I prepped the chicken: I mashed up sweet biscuits and then dipped the chicken in egg, the biscuits, and then deep-fried them. :) The Sisters always love sweet things.

We had a little FHE with Christian and then another one with Sister Gloria and her family. Power went out, which means no emailing. All day the power was flakey. It was doing this 15 on 15 off garbage. So that was slightly aggravating.

Oasis Beach
Tuesday's district meeting was wonderful! Elder Nwatah lead a great discussion on how to answer any gospel question with the Book of Mormon. It truly contains the complete gospel of Jesus Christ. So why don't we use it more in everything we do?

I made Banana bread for 2 of our investigators, named Paulina and Regina. We were only able to teach one lesson, and that lesson wasn't the greatest. The investigators were distracted and not fully engaged. Hopefully they'll be better next time. Power went out in our neck of the woods. So we had to trek down the road a ways to email, and then only for an hour since the internet was so dang slow. I made Vegetable stew in the evening, which took ages to prepare but time makes it taste so much better right? :)

On Wednesday the Zone leaders invited us to go and help them weed their bishop's land. Man, weeding is hard and hot work. Within an hour there wasn't a dry spot on my clothes and my face was constantly dripping. We finished around 12. We got cleaned up and made lunch. We visited Emmanuel Ansah, he is so close to baptism! But we have to postpone it for another month, or maybe even more.... The marriage complexities here are always a problem. And we found that he isn't actually married to his 'wife' Suzy. :( So we have to postpone their baptism. Nobody showed for PEC.... shocker. We finally got to email though! I began packing my stuff since on Thursday we were moving to a new apartment.

A quick stick snack... :)
Thursday was way long! Oh my heavens! We packed everything up, and I mean everything. And then we had the pleasure of carrying everything down 4 narrow flights of stairs. Tables, chairs, cabinets, shelves, barrels, fridges (plural) and lots and lots of little things, most of which we threw off the balcony because we didn't want to make the walking trip. It didn't fit on one load though, so we needed to make a second trip. And then unload everything and take it up 2 flights of stairs at the new place. It took nearly all day, because we then had to set up and unpack everything. We finally finished and got out around 6, so we were able to see and visit a few people. I was also given the opportunity to give my first blessing of comfort! It was so wonderful and the spirit truly helped guide my words. :)

At the new house!
Friday! Our first full day at the new house. The water still isn't in. No water equals no purified drinking water, or even water to purify to drink! So we have to fetch it if we want it. Those big huge water jugs... ya. Carrying up stairs.... Joy. The rooms are bigger but the kitchen is smaller.... and now there are 6 guys instead of 4. We weren't able to teach very many people, no one gave us time. So hopefully it gets fixed soon.

First Morning!
Saturday began by going and cleaning the old apartment. We came back and continued our normal study schedule and then went to Stake conference. I got to see lots of Elders that I love so much. Isaac Mensah opened his mission call, and he's going to Liberia! That's crazy! Good luck brother! :) We had ZERO lessons today...:( Our success is like a heart monitor in the hospital. Up, down, up, flat...... up, down, up, flat..... So enjoy it while it's up ehh? Still no water! They brought some sachets of pure water though. So drinking is a lot easier now. Mission life is not easy oooooh. But life is always good and I'm so glad to be here on mission. :)

Liberia bound!
Sunday's Stake conference was wonderful. Our mission president and his wife spoke and gave wonderful thoughts about Christ and this wonderful Christmas season. Christian got the Melchezidek Priesthood too! We had Okrah soup yesterday with Eba.... and I was sick all day. I had zero appetite and always needed to be close to a certain utility... Mami Sopa fed us Yam and Garden Egg stew, it was nice but I didn't eat much. We came back and I fetched 8 jugs of water for the apartment. This whole no water thing is getting tiresome, but I'm going to have some killer traps by the time I come home. ;)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Drunks and Critters

That Ocean view :)
The joys of living with spotty power! Sorry it's so late.

Monday, we speedily cleaned everything so that at 9 we could go and play football with the Yamoranza zone at the Fifa Pitch. I got slightly sun burned, which will just make me darker. :) Man, my tan line is so bad, it's a distinct line. Half of my arm is white, like white white, and the other part is equal to a fair African. I'll come home black. ;)

Fifa Football!
We made Egoosey soup which was amazing. Lawrencia had us over again for food. She cooks a mean garden egg stew. Power went out just in time so we couldn't email. Yay... Plus there were no FHEs, but we managed to have some fruitful conversations. :) By  small and simple means right? :)

For Tuesday's district meeting instruction, Elder Ofordeme taught and discussed about the Godhead. It eventually became an extension from mine since it turned into a further discussion about the Holy Ghost. :) Power finally came back in the late afternoon. I've been trying to develop Patience, and will continue to do so throughout my mission. Patience helps you practice Empathy. Which can diffuse most situations. :)

The cotton part came off...
in his ear...
Wednesday was a swell day. The 2 hours of personal study time is so fruitful and beneficial. It's always a good start to the day before venturing out into the baking heat of the Ghanaian sun. Most of our appointments were successful. Which always makes a pleasant day more pleasant. :)

Power went out though in the afternoon, making the evening time slightly more difficult. PEC was cancelled too. When light goes out, your evening is essentially over.

Elders Quorum activity
Thursday was filled with great lessons and conversations. Success is gradually improving which makes the work a lot more enjoyable. The days are hot and the sweat is constantly drenching, but life is still really good. :) It seems the drunks have been venturing out more and more. Each day we encounter between 2-6. They're so drunk they can barely walk let alone talk, I slightly find it funny, but at the same time you feel so bad, because you know they most likely have a wife or 2, and kids with each and here they are squandering their time and money with poison. Power came back on today! But only for an hour and then it let again. Oh well. :)

My boii!!!!!
Friday was great! All but 1 of our appointments followed through! Voting starts on Saturday, so everyone is parading around doing one last round of campaigning and bribing. The people are crazy sometimes.... but I love them so much. :) We've been preparing several of our investigators for baptism, hopefully they'll be ready by next week. :) Power came back too! :)

Saturday began with a lovely discussion with 2 women named Mercy and Elsie. They were really attentive and engaged, which was actually quite refreshing. :) We taught them about the apostasy and they had lots of wonderful questions about it. :) Potential members. :) We were invited to an Elders Quorum activity, they played music and had lots of good food. Specifically Chicken Nkakra and Fufu. :) After we used Prince to help us teach the small boy Emmanuel Kingsman since his Brofou (English) is rough. So the day overall was just dandy. :)

Fufu, our staple food :)
Sunday church is always grand. Even if I only understand the Hymns in Sacrament and the writing on the board in Sunday school. Church is great! :) A riot broke out at the police station, caused by a gang and 2 of their members were shot and killed. The joys of being drug dealers and protesters about dealing......

That's me!
Emmanuel Kingsman wanted us to come again to teach, so we did. :) That boy wants to be a member so bad, it makes you wish every one was like him. Mami Sopa fed us Kontombley soup with fish and Apanche. She is such a wonderful woman. :) and will always be my Ghanaian Mother. We tried to visit those people that we didn't see at church, it was a hit and miss as usual. The first thing we saw upon entering the kitchen in the evening was a giant cockroach, he only lived to see us take off our shoe, and then the bottom of the shoe. :) But then upon entering our room, a mouse was running around! So we tried to kill him too, but he ran under my bed and then completely dissapeared.... so now we know we have phantom mice in our apartment. Yay. So that was my week! :)