Monday, December 14, 2015

It's a Boy! ;)

The church is true!
Monday was errand running. We went and picked up a few things for Elder Ofordeme since he's leaving. We chopped Fufu for lunch. We only got to email for 30 minutes because lights went out.

Last District meeting together
We went and visited a few members before going to the Andoh-Kesons for FHE. I gave the message on a story in the Liahona about the Christmas spirit of giving, and how the most precious gift you can give someone is your time. :)

The last supper
Tuesday was my last full day with my Father! I'm going to miss him so much. Combined District meeting was good. Signed journals and took lots of photos. Since Elder Ofordeme is leaving, we got 3 FMs! Lawrencia had us help her make rice and stew, the Andoh-Kesons made us Fufu and Abenkwine soup, and then Brother Kweku made us rice and chicken! So much eating....

The generations
Transfer day! The day began by rushing through some quick errands for Elder Ofordeme. We got to Tantri station just in time to meet my son, Elder Masendi. He's 23 and from Uganda. He's a sweet guy and has that wonderful new missionary zeal. :)

That's me!
We first went and saw bishop and some of the members. I made sure Fufu was his first meal since it was my first meal also. :) We saw lots of our investigators. PEC (Priesthood Executive Committee) didn't happen. :/ We went to the market and got some small things for a vegetable stew. It was the nicest I've made yet. :)

The new crew :)
My son's first full day! He's a hard worker and doesn't like standing around. He wants to get things done, which is a nice change from previous weeks. We teach with great unity too, I was worried at first if we would sync. But that's not a problem. He wanted Fufu again for lunch because he liked it so much. Nearly all of our appointments dropped... But we managed to teach to people unexpectedly! The water at the house finally works! The pressure is terrible but a little stream is better than nothing. :)

His first meal :)
Productivity went up on Friday. The days go so much faster when you're teaching. :) I love teaching, standing around and walking to and fro is so boring and tiresome. Teaching is so wonderful and refreshing. :) No one is perfect, especially me. So we are working out the few kinks in our teaching unity that we have. :)

Walking walking, the days are filled with walking. We went to a non-serious investigator's wedding first. Another affirmation that Apostasy is real. An Elder was ETd (Emergency Transferred) so we met the new Elder, Elder Hannemann. He's from Alpine Utah and is a really humble guy, very likable and is a stud of a guy.

A quick stop at the Barb!
A prayer was answered today. We had no one to teach period. No one was picking their calls and the day seemed pointless. We decided to say a prayer asking for guidance on where we should go. I felt prompted to take a route not normally taken by Elders. We came across a member and began visiting, before we knew it he gave us a referral and showed us where she stayed. We taught her and set a return visit. :) The Lord truly answers prayer. :) If it matters to you, it matters to the Lord.

from Mission President's
camera:  The bull
outside the Bakano Chapel
Sundays are always so nice. A day of remembrance and rejuvenation. Rosemary came to church! She finally came! Now the key is to get her to keep coming ah? :) We had lunch after and then went out. Christian had a referral for us, she wasn't home but it's good to know where they live and their name, so we can find her in the next few days. :) We weren't expecting to teach anyone since it seems everyone goes to the beach to play football on Sunday. But we managed to have 3 lessons! The more I get to know Elders Masendi and Hannemann, the more I come to love them. :)

from Mission
President's camera:
A traveling bead bazaar
hits Cape Coast
The Christmas season is upon us. It's easy for us missionaries to give our time to the Savior and people around us. But for those of you back home, what gift have you given the Savior this year? What gift will you strive on giving next year? I love the Savior so much. I know that He lives and that through Him, we can all receive eternal life. I love the church and know that it is true. The church is our anchor. The world will toss us to and fro on the stormy sea of life, but the gospel will hold us steadfastly, completely firm without doubt. I am so grateful to be serving my mission here in Ghana, teaching and bringing back my fellow Ghanaian brothers and sisters back to the fold. I love you all so much. :)

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