Monday, August 3, 2015

The Americans Have Landed!

Photos and Comments from Ghana MTC Staff

July 23, 2015
This is the largest group of Americans we have ever had in the MTC since we have been here (19!)
and we still have one more who missed his connection who will be arriving tomorrow.
They arrived at the Ghana MTC at 11 p.m. and were bubbling with enthusiasm.  What a great group!

July 24, 2015
And you might ask - how are the Americans doing today?
You decide.  They seem fine to me.

July 25, 2015
And did the Americans get over jet-lag?
We will let you be the judge on that question.

July 27, 2015
July 29, 2015
Wednesdays most of the English-speaking Missionaries Visit the Temple
This is truly the House of the Lord

July 29, 2015
And it is official.
The July 24th group has now been to the temple.

July 30, 2015
Pictured above is our 38th Group since arriving in Africa.
They entered the MTC on July 24, 2015
and depart for the mission field next Tuesday.
Tuesday or Wednesday, each went to the Ghana Temple,
so now the entire group has been to the temple at least one time in their life.
Seated in front next to the missionaries from right to left are
the Malmroses, the Vinsons, and the Robisons.
Notice the African dresses on the Sisters.
They have embraced the culture and blend in well.

July 30, 2015
Unlike American culture, Africans don't mind people in their space
July 30, 2015
Future missionaries from Ivory Coast Visited the MTC today
July 31, 2015
Jacob District
They have been together for a week!
August 1, 2015
An inside look at the every day life in the MTC
Classroom - we learn by practicing our teaching skills

August 3, 2015
The Americans Leave Tomorrow! Are they ready?
They think they are ready.  We do too!

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