Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Old and New Friends

Mami Araba, she is my
most favorite mami period. :)
For our Zone activity, I made 3 loafs of Banana bread. We all performed our apartment talents, and then some did individual. It was a lot of fun. The AP's picked Elder Hannemann, so Elder Tom will be with us till transfer day. We did the usual market and cleaning afterward. We had to go get more water sachets since we have no pure water in the house. Brother Aquay had us over for FHE. We had a good lesson on Faith. We finished by me teaching them how to play the card game Spoons. :)

Combined District meeting was good and short. We discussed the differences between Laman and Nephi. We sent letters home to the families that sent us a little Christmas package. Me managed to see a few investigators including Josephine. Man, she'll be a strong member when she's baptized. :) To close the evening we had a farewell dinner for Elder Assibey.

Elder Assibey's
last supper on mission!
Wednesday was transfer day! Super super busy for everyone except us! Taha! We helped Elder Assibey get his stuff to Tantri and stayed there for nearly 3 hours waiting for Elder Tom's new companion, Elder Lukhele. Elder Lukhele is my TC and is a stud of a guy. His humor is similar to mine and our chemistry is solid. I love the guy. I got to see and catch up with a few of my TC's and also got to meet several other sweet missionaries. We got to cruise town a little bit with Elder Ofordeme before he flies home. Man, it was so nice to see him again. I missed him paah! Elder Tobler is now our new Zone Leader and man, he's a really chill dude. Plus he's an avid hunter, which makes him even more likeable. ;)

TC's at the station :)
I'm letting Elder Masendi take the lead in several more things than usual. So things are taking a little longer than normal, but it's good for him to learn. :) I believe the sun is getting closer and closer to the earth. The sun just roasts you alive here. It's so blastingly hot each day that your clothes are soaked in sweat in just minutes. We managed to have 7 lessons too! That's a lot, we normally only get 3 or 4, so it was nice to be busy busy all day. Elder Tobler and I got carried away in hunting memories and stories that we talked almost to 11! Shoot!

Fridays are always the longest days since there are no meetings or anything, but the day moved right along. We were productive and had quite a few lessons. We referred Emmanuel and Suzy to the first ward Elders since they are now staying in their boundaries. We also taught Steven the Pentecost member. I love teaching him, he actually makes me work and recall most everything I've learned about the gospel. It's refreshing. :)

Saturday just flew by. We went and tried to play football since the Elders Quorum invited us..... but no one showed! Eish.... So we went back and continued about our day. I've been working my way through the last General Conference. I've decided to start ponderizing a scripture each week. This week's scripture is Alma 17:11.

And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls.

The generations :)
I just love study time. Isaac came with us for the day. It's always nice having a third testimony, and also one that can speak Fante. We also found 2 more new investigators!  The work is progressing. :)

I studied the General Conference Ensign nearly all morning Sunday. I am so grateful for the modern day revelation that we receive from those wonderful old men. :) 4 of our investigators came to church! It makes me so happy when they come to church. Denis came to church too! He's a serious less-active. And I was shocked to see him come on time for Sacrament meeting. Mami Nancy decided to feed us today, so she fed us rice and stew, we visited a few investigators and then went to Mami Supa for Benku and Egg stew. :) I love all of my Mamis. :)


Morning football!
Our "Becoming a Missionary" conference is coming up February 5-6. This will include all of the young men ages 12-18, and the young women ages 16-18.  Our Stake President asked each Missionary, currently serving from our Stake, to send a message that would be included in a Journal they are providing for each of the youth.  This is what Collin sent to our Stake President:

My companion, Elder Masendi and I planned and prepared in every way so that we would be sufficiently ready to teach to the needs of those that we planned to see.

We went out and all of our planned appointments and back up plans failed within an hour. Frustrated and confused, we sat down not knowing what to do. After some time of sitting and thinking of what we should do, a still small voice whispered to me saying "pray". When I heard that still small voice, it became obvious to me, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God." (James 1:5)

Christmasy ties....
even though it's not Christmas :)
We offered a prayer asking Heavenly Father to guide us to one of his children that needed his gospel. When we finished we felt an immediate prompting to go a route that we rarely travel. We came across a member who excitedly told us he had a friend that he wanted to have hear the gospel. He showed us to her place and we had a lesson right then and there.

I testify that prayer works. God will guide you if you ask and have a willing heart. (Matthew 7:7-8 ; D&C 64:34)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Presbys, Transfers, and Choreography

Our lovely little look out
Monday was swell. We washed our clothes and cleaned the kitchen, pulled our subsistence and went to the market. We finished everything by 12 so we went and got my companion a hair trim. It took 2 hours!!! What the freak?!?! The barber is good, but he was very very VERY distracted, so it took time for him to complete the trim...

We went to brother Aquay's for Family Home Evening. The discussion was on the Savior and what He did for all of us and the attributes He had. I love the Savior so much! And I'm glad to be part of His only true church. :)

Experimenting with a new-found
setting on the camera :)
Tuesday, I began preparing my talk for Sunday. The ward has decided to start a missionary Sunday, which means every third Sunday, the missionaries are in charge of the program for sacrament meeting. I'll be speaking on referrals and member missionary work. :)

This man, called as an AP!
We'll miss him here in Cape :)
District meeting took ages since they were debriefing the last MLC report. So we finally finished at 1:30... So some of our appointments got over-stepped, but we did manage to catch up and see one that would have otherwise been forgotten.

Our Presbyterian friend, Steven, has become a new investigator! He asks lots of pondered deep questions such as, "If the spirit world is for those who have died and have been separated from their bodies.... Than where is Elijah? He didn't die. And we know that Moses didn't die either. So where are they?" Eish..... That was just one of the many that he asked.

Our water is finished.... again. So we will be living out of 1/2 liter sachets again. Joy.

Elder Masendi didn't have his non-citizen card yet, so he and all of his TC's went to Takoradi for the day to get them, so I went with Elders Tom and Hannemann, and Isaac came with us as well. With 4 priesthood brethren, powerful lessons are taught. ;) We saw several of their investigators and some of mine. We made time for Steven. Man, I am so glad we had 4 sets of eyes flipping through scriptures, they were very much needed. PEC went really well, the ward is actually helping now, so that's nice. :)

His last supper
Weekly planning is always nice. You get to think about all the people you want and need to focus on, and then really plan out what all they need. You get to actually see the plan for the next 10 days. Nearly all of the people we teach live on a street called Gyegyeano (jay-gee-yawn-oh). So less of our time is spent walking. Man mission is just so sweet. Yes the sun just beats you and beats you, but it is so nice to be around such loving welcoming people. I love them so much. :) Exchanges will be tomorrow, so Elder Tom slept in Elder Masendi's bed, and Elder Masendi slept in his. Enjoy. ;)

Friday exchanges! WOOOO! Elder Tom is a stud. We studied well and ate lunch fast so we could take a small nap. We taught several investigators and then saw some Less Actives. Mami Supa gave us time to teach her today! (that never happens) We were able to help her recognize that the baptism done in Catholicism is not totally correct. And she understood! You could see the gears turning as she was registering what that actually means. Some day she'll join the good side. :)

Life is good. :)
Saturday was pretty standard. Isaac came with us. He's getting more and more powerful each day. We had 5 good solid lessons too. Transfer news came too! My companion and I are staying (duh) but Elder Hannemann has been called as an AP! What?!?! He just got here and now he's leaving. He's a great guy, and I'm glad I got to know him for the little bit that I did. :) Elder Lukele (my TC) will be coming to replace him! I'm so pumped! I love that man so much! Tahahahaha!

Missionary Sunday! Due to the topics chosen, I spoke first and took 10 minutes sparing my fellow brothers to only needing to take 5 minutes. You're welcome. ;)

My boy!
Mami Esi promised to make us Fufu, so we waited... and waited, and waited some more. And she never came! Frustration! Things like this happen to test our patience though. Mami Supa graced us with rice and Light soup though. I love her so much. :) We have a talent show on Monday, so we were practicing an apartment dance right up till curfew. It's a pretty rad dance. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Surprise Baptism!

The Beach
Monday was a standard day. We did the washing and cleaning and had a quick game of Monopoly Deal. I won. :) The Bakano Elders came and chilled for a bit, I talked with Elder Maendesa (One of my TC's). It was nice to catch up with him for a bit. We made lunch and took a nap. We tried to email but couldn't because all of the cafes either had no power, or no room. The Andoh-Kesons invited us over for FHE, it was so nice since we got to visit with them for quite some time. And guess what..... Water is finally back! Woooo!

Ghana famous Banana bread :)
District meeting was great. We did something new which I enjoyed. All of the companionships presented the qualities and attributes of a character from the Book of Mormon that the District leader assigned to us. We got Samuel the Lamanite. :) By studying these characters, we can see the attributes that we should develop to have good successful lives. :)

The Money Team TMT
I made more banana bread and it was gone in seconds. I set it on a plate with a bread knife and set them on the dining room table. I came back 5 minutes later to find crumbs.... :) Either it tastes amazing, or the apartment is starving.... Maybe both. ;)

Isaac Mascar came with us again. I'm so impressed with how he is so engaged in missionary work. He's been coming with the missionaries for the past 3 years! That's dedication.

The First supper :)
We have a new investigator named Josephine. She seems really promising. She'll probably be baptized early February. :)

The Bay!  (his name is Elder Bay)
Elder Hannemann went to MLC today, so his companion Elder Tom came with us for the day. Isaac came too so we had 4 of us all teaching in the same lessons! Talk about Priesthood power! ;) We saw some less-actives and a few investigators. PEC went really good, for once. I made 2 more loafs of banana bread and just like the first ones they were gone in minutes. :)

My compa :)
Thursday was a very good busy day. Weekly planning went great. Lots of people turned us away, shocker... but we still managed to find several new people to teach. They may or may not be serious but we'll see! The Andoh-Kesons fed us Fufu and Nkakra. They always feed us way too much! But it's so nice pah pah. :)

Sylvia was around also! So we saw her and refreshed everything and set up an unplanned interview with her for Friday! I'm so happy for her! Prince also gave us a referral. His name is Steven and he seems like a really cool guy. He'll probably get baptized sometime in February or March. :)

Our area :)
Friday's study time was killer. I learn so so much during that short hour. I wish we had more time to study personally. We had the follow-up trainers meeting today in Ola. So we spent most of the day there receiving instruction on how to be full-purpose missionaries and where our efforts should be focused. It was really nice because I also got to see 2 of my favorite TC's! Elder Bay and Elder Aniwa! Man I love those guys so much!

Agnes fed us Egg stew upon returning to Cape. Sylvia was interviewed and passed with flying colors! So Saturday will be a very big day. :)

Sylvia's Baptism
Saturday was pleasantly stressful. We had a scare with the font. Water almost couldn't be in it so we had a little heart attack. But we got it all figured out so alls good. :) We taught Steven (the referral) and am so excited to teach him everything. He has the potential to be a very powerful member. We picked Sylvia up for her baptism and had a wonderful experience with her. Elder Masendi performed the baptism and was just glowing afterward. :) Following the baptism we had a nice long gospel conversation with some presbyterians. One named Ishmael and the other Steven. Both are very interested in the church. :) The work is definitely progressing!

Sundays are truly the best day of the week. During studies I was very enlightened on the Millenium and Armageddon. Crazy stuff yo. Sylvia was confirmed which was so sweet. I'm so happy she's making such wonderful choices with her life. After we went to see a few members and then Agnes. Sunday was her last time going to Anglican. She has now promised to be coming to the only true church! I'm so happy for her and also for Christian. Since he's been wanting to marry her, but she's not a member so he can't. We taught her about the Holy Ghost and a good conversation. Mami Supa made us Garden Egg Stew with Plantain. Man that is heavy food. I love her so much. :)

And so that was my wonderful week! We did not expect to have her baptism at all. But the Lord works in mysterious ways, doesn't He? ;) The Church is true!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Efeshiah Pah!

note: This email arrived January 4, but the corresponding photos were not able to be emailed to us until January 11.

Mami Ekua
A whole week without water! Woooo! The joys of Ghana. :) So washing and cleaning didn't happen on Monday, it's kind of hard to wash without water... So we went to the market since we had nothing doing.

Upon returning we went to the Bakano Elders apartment and grilled 2 pigs! This time we were smart and butchered the pigs. It's easier to cook small pieces than one big piece. We spiced it up and added some nice seasoning. Man it was nice pah pah. :)

I'm a spaz, I know.....
There were no FHEs. So we went and saw Sylvia, Christian, and Agnes. A member took our water jugs and filled them somewhere. I don't know where... but that doesn't matter! We have small water and that's what matters. :) It's amazing how with water, you can actually do needed things like wash, bathe, and cook! Thank you Heavenly Father for water. :)

Happy faces :)
District meeting was sweet. :) We discussed the importance of spending time with Less Actives. 2 Peter 2:21 shows us that it's better for people to remain in ignorance, than for them to find the truth and then fall away. With that being said, these less-actives are more important to be teaching since they've made these sacred covenants. We had a combined ward activity, so we picked up Christian and Agnes. We played lots of little Ghanaian games and watched a little program they put on. It was a really nice evening. :)

One of my little followers :)
Wednesday, Isaac Maskar came with us proselyting. He's serving his mission in Liberia beginning in February. It's nice because with him, all of our lessons are member-present lessons!

The 1st ward invited us to their ward party. They fed us and the youth did a nice program filled with little native traditional dances that they've been learning. That evening we had a nice long Q&A session with Christian and Benjamin. The questions were all over the place and 'most' of them were inspired.

Elder Hannemann got this new game called Monopoly Deal. Man forget! That game is so addicting. We played 4 times before going to bed. New Years Eve! Man where did the year go? It's crazy how life just moves on huh? :)

Fufu with Aggie and Christian
Anywho, Thursday morning the four of us began planning for our upcoming missionary fireside. I will be instructing on the importance of Referrals and how they can help the missionaries and ward. Agnes fed us Fufu. That is seriously the best Fufu I've ever had. She can cook pah pah! We bought a crate of mineral (soda) for the apartment since it's New Years Eve. We played Monopoly Deal and managed to get to bed at a decent time. :)

I could be a Mother :)
Efeshiah Pah! Can you believe it's 2016!? I'm slightly tripping.... The first day of the year we had exchanges. So Elder Hannemann came with me, and Elder Masendi went with Elder Tom. Since it's New Years day everyone goes to the beach. So teaching was kind of a joke. But we did manage to somehow get 3 lessons! We finished the day at the Appiah family and shared a nice little message. After closing our day we had a long suspenseful game of Monopoly Deal..... I won, tehe :)

Saturday we visited lots and lots of people. We had a ward party so we spent the first half of the day inviting all of our investigators and less actives. Quite a few of the people we invited came! It was so nice to see them mingling and interacting with the members of the ward. The Assistants had a baptism at our chapel. So we went and supported them. It's nice to see the work progressing in all areas of our mission, and not just our mission, but the world. :) We danced with the Ghanaians at the end of the ward party.... Man, these Africans have a completely different style than what I'm used to. I'll need to practice a bit before the next activity. ;)

First Sunday of 2016! Plus it was at 11:30. Pretty much the best time. A less-active that I've never seen come to church came to church today! Boko! Church gets out at 2:30, so we just begin proselyting upon finishing. Hardly anyone was around, but we did manage to see 3! Mami Supa made inkesinquine (groundnut soup) and a small little special batch of Nkakrah (light soup) for me since groundnut soup will send me through the veil. :) She's so thoughtful and remembers everything. I love her so much. :)