Monday, January 11, 2016

Efeshiah Pah!

note: This email arrived January 4, but the corresponding photos were not able to be emailed to us until January 11.

Mami Ekua
A whole week without water! Woooo! The joys of Ghana. :) So washing and cleaning didn't happen on Monday, it's kind of hard to wash without water... So we went to the market since we had nothing doing.

Upon returning we went to the Bakano Elders apartment and grilled 2 pigs! This time we were smart and butchered the pigs. It's easier to cook small pieces than one big piece. We spiced it up and added some nice seasoning. Man it was nice pah pah. :)

I'm a spaz, I know.....
There were no FHEs. So we went and saw Sylvia, Christian, and Agnes. A member took our water jugs and filled them somewhere. I don't know where... but that doesn't matter! We have small water and that's what matters. :) It's amazing how with water, you can actually do needed things like wash, bathe, and cook! Thank you Heavenly Father for water. :)

Happy faces :)
District meeting was sweet. :) We discussed the importance of spending time with Less Actives. 2 Peter 2:21 shows us that it's better for people to remain in ignorance, than for them to find the truth and then fall away. With that being said, these less-actives are more important to be teaching since they've made these sacred covenants. We had a combined ward activity, so we picked up Christian and Agnes. We played lots of little Ghanaian games and watched a little program they put on. It was a really nice evening. :)

One of my little followers :)
Wednesday, Isaac Maskar came with us proselyting. He's serving his mission in Liberia beginning in February. It's nice because with him, all of our lessons are member-present lessons!

The 1st ward invited us to their ward party. They fed us and the youth did a nice program filled with little native traditional dances that they've been learning. That evening we had a nice long Q&A session with Christian and Benjamin. The questions were all over the place and 'most' of them were inspired.

Elder Hannemann got this new game called Monopoly Deal. Man forget! That game is so addicting. We played 4 times before going to bed. New Years Eve! Man where did the year go? It's crazy how life just moves on huh? :)

Fufu with Aggie and Christian
Anywho, Thursday morning the four of us began planning for our upcoming missionary fireside. I will be instructing on the importance of Referrals and how they can help the missionaries and ward. Agnes fed us Fufu. That is seriously the best Fufu I've ever had. She can cook pah pah! We bought a crate of mineral (soda) for the apartment since it's New Years Eve. We played Monopoly Deal and managed to get to bed at a decent time. :)

I could be a Mother :)
Efeshiah Pah! Can you believe it's 2016!? I'm slightly tripping.... The first day of the year we had exchanges. So Elder Hannemann came with me, and Elder Masendi went with Elder Tom. Since it's New Years day everyone goes to the beach. So teaching was kind of a joke. But we did manage to somehow get 3 lessons! We finished the day at the Appiah family and shared a nice little message. After closing our day we had a long suspenseful game of Monopoly Deal..... I won, tehe :)

Saturday we visited lots and lots of people. We had a ward party so we spent the first half of the day inviting all of our investigators and less actives. Quite a few of the people we invited came! It was so nice to see them mingling and interacting with the members of the ward. The Assistants had a baptism at our chapel. So we went and supported them. It's nice to see the work progressing in all areas of our mission, and not just our mission, but the world. :) We danced with the Ghanaians at the end of the ward party.... Man, these Africans have a completely different style than what I'm used to. I'll need to practice a bit before the next activity. ;)

First Sunday of 2016! Plus it was at 11:30. Pretty much the best time. A less-active that I've never seen come to church came to church today! Boko! Church gets out at 2:30, so we just begin proselyting upon finishing. Hardly anyone was around, but we did manage to see 3! Mami Supa made inkesinquine (groundnut soup) and a small little special batch of Nkakrah (light soup) for me since groundnut soup will send me through the veil. :) She's so thoughtful and remembers everything. I love her so much. :)

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