Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fifa, Baptisms, and Firesides

Fifa crew!

It's approximately 5 pm in the evening, the weather is a bombing hotter than hot, and it looks like that will never change! :)

Monday, we woke up bright and early to gym, and then went and played football at the local Fifa pitch. We played with the Bakano Elders and invited some members to join us as well. It was a lot of fun. :) We shopped and then napped, which felt way nice. We emailed and then went to go to FHE at the Andoh-Kesons. After we continued to teach late.

Exchanges again! Woo! This time I went with Elder Tom in his area, so Elder Masendi led for the first time in our area. District meeting was a humbling/good reminding experience. A lot of the lesson was spent on attributes of the Lord and which ones we struggle on. I'm grateful for inspired leaders who instruct on what is needed.

My boy Elder Masendi!
We mainly just had gospel conversations with people. No one was really home for lessons. But we managed to make it productive!

As fun as exchanges are, I love working with Elder Masendi. We work so well together. Felicia was around, so we went and taught her and one of her co-workers named Van. Van seemed more interested in her, and so we'll be focusing on him too. :)

We were able to see most of the people we planned to see. Denis is doing good, and Mami Supa as well. Josephine had her baptismal interview and passed with flying colors! Brother Jesse also dropped off 2 more boxes of the Book of Mormon, so we now have 10 boxes (400 copies) to give out. :) We are flooding cape coast with the knowledge of the Restoration! And my package arrived! My highlights were the Family Photos Calendar, and the Family Photos Calendar...... Tehe. :)

Elder Lukhele,
The game. For the World 
Thursday morning we saw Van first thing. Gave him a Book of Mormon, (surprised?) and taught a stellar lesson.

I made Nkakra Soup for lunch. Man it tastes so nice. Overall the day was a hit and miss. Most of the planned appointments failed and those unplanned succeeded! Elizabeth and Agnes were good lessons, both progressing to baptism. Josephine was super stoked for her baptism that's on Friday. She is such a sweetheart and I'm glad she has made this decision to follow the Savior. :)

We had a very prompted Gospel Conversation with a woman. It was like the Spirit forced me into a store, I had no intentions of saying anything, and then my introduction just came out, almost like I didn't have agency... :) We had a wonderful exchange and have planned return visits! The Spirit works in mysterious ways! :)

Yay for Baptisms!
Friday was splendid! We made sure the font had water and went about our day normally, teaching people here and there. Josephine's baptism was at 4. It was so wonderful and the Spirit was so strong. She has been ready for a long time, and now she has finally made those covenants with the Lord. Mary, an investigator, called us and asked us to come and teach! What on earth?! I thought that was just a Josephine thing... But it was a very welcomed pleasant surprise. :)

Saturday was slightly packed. Studies were good and the first 2 lessons were good. But then our Ward Mission Leader drops the bomb on us saying that he hadn't bought anything for the Fireside that evening, even though he promised all was well..... psych! So we rushed around trying to get everything. The fireside was very nice and a good success. I taught on referrals and examples, and used Simon Says to help teach the lesson. Ghanaians love loud games. :)

Josephine, our new member :)
Fast Sunday is always nice. Fasting is getting easier. Purposes are huge! In the morning, we went on splits to try to get more investigators and Less Actives to church. It worked somewhat. Received a Referral from the Zone Leaders, his name is Bush and is a swell guy. He only speaks English! Sweet ya!

Josephine was confirmed, she was beaming the whole day, tears streaming all 3 hours and probably some more after church. She is so powerful and I know she will have a huge influence on many lives. Emmanuella Appiah also gave us a referral! Referrals are finally coming. They haven't come this whole time, and now they are, it's wonderful. :) Mami Supa fed us Shitto. It was very nice paah. I love Cape Coast. :)

So proud of her!
The biggest thing I've come to learn on my mission so far is that there is always a Good, Better, and Best. And it is our job to decide which one to choose. Priorities are so important and I know that figuring out ours will help the rest of our lives be so much easier! I love this church so much and all that it does to help us as members grow so much.

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