Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Apostasy and Babies!

Cape Coast vs. Elmina
Monday morning Football! I've come to love playing soccer. Especially with Africans because they actually know how to play, these Obrunis can't play worth squat. So I should be a wizard when I come home and play all of you. ;) We played for a straight 90-minute game. Got sun-burned pretty good though, but only on the places that only see the sun on Mondays. :)

Mami Nancy invited us to teach "a few" of her friends for The True Church of Christ. So from 6:30-8:30 we discussed with 13 "evangelists". In reality only one of them was the spokesman and the rest were quiet listeners. The whole time he was just trying to cross our statements, but when you're filled with the spirit and you bear your testimony, you shall not be confounded. We gave it to him and told him what the truth was. When you treasure up the words of Christ, the spirit will call on them in the very hour in which you need them. :)

That tan line though....
MLC report lasted until 2, which was a bummer because that ate proselyting time. Enjoyed Banku and had a good coordination meeting with our Ward mission leader. We talked for 2 hours mainly about the previous night's event since he lives just above where we were discussing, so after ward he called them aside and blasted them with wonderful truths of the gospel. :) Gotta love Returned missionaries. :)

Fufu, first thing in the morning. Kweku promised us for Monday afternoon, but it got delayed to Wednesday morning, don't you just love eating super heavy food in the morning? ;)

Under the sun :)
Met Tony, a referral from Josephine, but he lives outside of our area which means we will have to refer him. He's a sweet guy and I know that he'll progress.

Met and taught a Muslim woman, super nice person, but also a super devote member of her faith. Apparently women aren't allowed to pray vocally in the Muslim faith, so when we asked her to pray we sat in silence for 2 minutes while she prayed.... sweet man!

When the sun is up, you NEVER stop sweating... Ever. Teaching was nice, we got dashed 2 huge loafs of bread. That's what happens when investigators love you. :)

Sister Josephine
I love my recent converts. The spirit of Missionary work is in all of them, they all give referrals and actively help us teach them. They are always helping us find opportunities to teach. :)

On Friday we gave Tony the the Green Hill sisters: Sisters Ngalamulume and Danga. Since our area borders theirs, hopefully they'll give us all the people they are teaching in our area.... ;) We had a wonderful lesson on Eternal Marriage with Josephine. The spirit is always so strong in her house, and I hope that she finds a sweet heart soon.

My convert crew! :)
Grilled a sausage over an open flame! Creativity is a necessity in a world of few conveniences. Chopped Emu (rice) and got dashed chicken! Life is sweet! Had a comical encounter with a drunk man, they are so much fun to mess with, and at the same time, you hope that when they become sober, they'll read the pamphlet you gave them titled the Word of Wisdom. ;)

Baby Porche
The Abura sisters had a missionary Sunday. So we went and helped them with their sacrament service and then rushed back to bring our people to church. People spoke English for a change in church, which just made my day. :) Janet had her baby on Thursday! But we found out on Sunday! So we went and saw her beautiful baby boy that has a full head of hair. She is always so happy and I hope the best for her.

Mami Supa adopted a 2 year old girl named Porche. She snuggled in with me at dinner, which reminded me of Emma, my best baby sister. :)

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