Monday, May 30, 2016

The House has lost it's flavor...

I love Chowder :)
We had a really good P-day this week. We left the house a little earlier so that we could do small shopping before going to the hospital and before the sun got too hot. DIS was super speedy even with there being a whole bunch of people.

My favorite nurse saw me, went and grabbed the needed things, and then pulled me out of line to go and get me squared away. Being a frequent client has benefits. ;)

We emailed when we got back and finished our shopping. I made a nice fish chowder. It was my first chowder since leaving home, and I think I'll be making it more often. :)

Tuesday was pretty chill. Elder Machaka gave a nice instruction on pride. We can all use reminders on staying humble. After having lunch, Elder Connelly took Elder Rowe out so that he could get some air. Ezekiel brought us fufu and we played cards nearly all evening.

Elder Connelly came with me today to DIS. He's a much better hospital companion. Elder Rowe can't handle anything of the sort. I did some washing and then let my foot relax small. It's hard to do the necessary things when your foot isn't happy.

Thursday we finally went into the area! It was so nice and refreshing to see those wonderful faces again. :) I was only able to manage for 2 hours, but something is better than nothing. :) When we got home, I rested and made a nice banana bread/cake that they finished so fast. I just need to teach them all how to make their own. ;) Power was out all day, granted it goes out pretty much every day for at least a couple hours.

Friday we had the usual DIS trip. A boring nothing day. I did get fufu for dinner and made another banana bread/cake since I only tasted the last one. ;)

You would think he was the one
that needed medical attention....
Saturday we went to DIS again since it's super hard for us to go on Sunday due to church meetings and so forth. A different senior nurse dressed it today and did a marvelous job. It's healing slowly but surely. :) When we got home I wrecked for an hour or so and then went to a baptism for the Abakrampa Elders. It was so nice, Baptism is dandy, it doesn't matter who it is for. :)

Sunday was good. We had the usual obliviousness since we can't understand the Fante well. But it was a good meeting. Since we've moved into the new building our attendance has increased. President Amos gave us a set of keys to the building so that we can have meetings whenever we want. Made another banana cake. It's interesting how much music and videos influence your thoughts and emotions. Due to Mormon messages and the sort, I've been reflecting a lot about the most valuable things to me and how truly precious time is. God has given us all such wonderful gifts. :)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Eat, Sleep...... and not much else.

Time for a haircut!
So, this week's email is going to be really short, due to the fact that we didn't really leave the house due to my foot....

Monday we went and emailed, I got to see a few members which is always nice and refreshing. Cooked small at the house and then tried to relax (keyword: tried).

Tuesday we prepped and went to District meeting. When we got home I made a chocolate cake for the crew. Since I have all the time in the world to sit (not walk or stand), I have quite a bit of time to bake! Took a nap ish and then ate a small dinner. Elder Machaka gave me a haircut since my hair was getting just a tich bit too long... :) After finishing though, the power went out.  Thankfully he was finished. ;)

Went to the Hospital to get the foot cleaned and redressed. Elder Rowe and Elder Connelly went on exchanges so that Elder Rowe could get out of the house small. Power finally came back. We made dinner and then prepped for bed. Eat, sleep, play cards..... that's pretty much the extent of my possible activities.

Stake Conference
Elder Connelly went to Takoradi to renew his ID card, so Elder Machaka was with us until he returned. Ezekiel, a member in Aburakrampa, went and got me fufu. Man, it was so nice. I love it so much.

Friday was normal, went to the hospital for the usual. Elder Rowe made me lunch when we got home so that I wouldn't need to trouble my foot. After eating we slept, and then when we woke the power went off, splendid.... sat and chatted for hours, then crashed again on the floor on a mat, woke up at 2 am and decided it would be good if I got in bed.... :)

Saturday was plain.... nothing special. I did get the energy and determination to gym small though, and man, that felt so nice to use my muscles and make them work. Ezekiel brought me fufu again. That food will be the thing that makes me fat. I love it too much paah.

Cape Coast Ghana Stake Center
Sunday was nice. We went to the stake center for Stake conference. As it turns out the stake is being divided, and so now our area will be part of the new Yamoranza stake. Also..... we had 4 investigators come to church! And not just that, but they came all the way to the stake center! Booya! If they aren't serious then something must be wrong. Hopefully we'll be able to teach them this week and continue their progression towards the kingdom of God. :)

Afterward I got to catch up with old members and other missionaries. So so refreshing. :) When we returned home we did the usual. We played a card game named Scum for like 2 hours.... Simple things bring huge entertainment when you are incapacitated..... So that was my thrilling week.... :)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Voted in....

Changing tires like a boss
Monday, finished everything fast fast, and then chilled until it was time to go. Semon, our boss taxi driver picked us up. About half way there the front left tire blew, so he pulled out his spare and then ran with it down the road to the closest tire shop to put enough air in it. While he was gone, Elder Machaka got the jack and removed the shredded one. The delay was small so we were still able to do everything we needed. :) Semon took us back, and this time there were no tire problems, just a door that won't lock so Elder Machaka almost fell out when we whipped around a corner... :)

Elder Connelly gave a wonderful instruction on Keys to Happiness. It was nice to see that a lot of the things I found to bring happiness were the same things Nephi said. :) We also had President interviews. I love them so much. It's the time we get to just sit and chat one on one with President Stevenson. I love that man. In between, Sister Stevenson reminded us of the difference between Testimony and Conversion. She is such a good companion to her husband. Our water has a strong smell to it.... so showering seems pointless, oh well.

The other companionship had exchanges, so Elder Bennion came for the day. We went to DIS to get my toe figured out, but they told me I would need to take an Antibiotic first and then come in next Saturday. 10 days of poor proselyting due to pain in the toe, not fun. Got home and slept. Elder Bennion and I talked for hours (he's from Vernal, Utah). Power died about 8, so we layed on the cold tile and talked about everything Utahn, which was so nice.

Thursday we taught a few lessons, but then my toe was giving me fits, so they dumped me at President's house and went on splits. It rained and power was out, so they slightly countered each other, but it was still super hot.

Water tank boy!
Friday, I was voted the smallest in the apartment, which means I got to (keyword "got" because it was a privilege....) climb into our water tank and clean out all of the dead and/or growing stuff mixed with an assortment of worms..... My favorite things. With the tank in the sun and water in the tank, man it was the hottest, most humid place I've ever been. Eish, took little breathers outside the tank here and there. The smell wasn't my favorite either, but ehh Mission is mission. :) You do what needs to be done.

So hot, so wet, so nasty
Saturday was not fun. We went on exchanges so that proselyting could happen. Elder Machaka is also having health problems, so us sick Elders stayed home in an empty boring house. The hours dragged. But we had some good social bonding time. We wanted to buy food but we didn't have money because it's the last day of sub... so we decided to go for a walk. When I put on some pants I hadn't worn in a long time I found 20 cedis in my pocket! Miracles happen! The silent apartment became a loud and joyous apartment. :) Cooked, gymed, and enjoyed a cold shower with clean water. :)

Hurting toes are not good to missionaries. We went to church and saw a few people, but then they ditched me at President's again so they could go see all of our people before the day finished. President and I talked for quite some time about health and life and everything. He gave me a medicinal book to read. It was so nice to refresh my mind on that portion of my life. I love that stuff. :) Came back home and then soaked my toe in super hot salty water. :) The best we can do in a poor health care community. :)