Monday, May 30, 2016

The House has lost it's flavor...

I love Chowder :)
We had a really good P-day this week. We left the house a little earlier so that we could do small shopping before going to the hospital and before the sun got too hot. DIS was super speedy even with there being a whole bunch of people.

My favorite nurse saw me, went and grabbed the needed things, and then pulled me out of line to go and get me squared away. Being a frequent client has benefits. ;)

We emailed when we got back and finished our shopping. I made a nice fish chowder. It was my first chowder since leaving home, and I think I'll be making it more often. :)

Tuesday was pretty chill. Elder Machaka gave a nice instruction on pride. We can all use reminders on staying humble. After having lunch, Elder Connelly took Elder Rowe out so that he could get some air. Ezekiel brought us fufu and we played cards nearly all evening.

Elder Connelly came with me today to DIS. He's a much better hospital companion. Elder Rowe can't handle anything of the sort. I did some washing and then let my foot relax small. It's hard to do the necessary things when your foot isn't happy.

Thursday we finally went into the area! It was so nice and refreshing to see those wonderful faces again. :) I was only able to manage for 2 hours, but something is better than nothing. :) When we got home, I rested and made a nice banana bread/cake that they finished so fast. I just need to teach them all how to make their own. ;) Power was out all day, granted it goes out pretty much every day for at least a couple hours.

Friday we had the usual DIS trip. A boring nothing day. I did get fufu for dinner and made another banana bread/cake since I only tasted the last one. ;)

You would think he was the one
that needed medical attention....
Saturday we went to DIS again since it's super hard for us to go on Sunday due to church meetings and so forth. A different senior nurse dressed it today and did a marvelous job. It's healing slowly but surely. :) When we got home I wrecked for an hour or so and then went to a baptism for the Abakrampa Elders. It was so nice, Baptism is dandy, it doesn't matter who it is for. :)

Sunday was good. We had the usual obliviousness since we can't understand the Fante well. But it was a good meeting. Since we've moved into the new building our attendance has increased. President Amos gave us a set of keys to the building so that we can have meetings whenever we want. Made another banana cake. It's interesting how much music and videos influence your thoughts and emotions. Due to Mormon messages and the sort, I've been reflecting a lot about the most valuable things to me and how truly precious time is. God has given us all such wonderful gifts. :)

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