Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hauling Water

The Football crew :)
Monday was way fun. We had a Zone activity at the Takoradi Stake Center. We played games and sports and had some good food. It was so much fun to be able to play with a lot of the Elders that I have come to know and love. :) It was super hot and I got a little sunburned, but it turned straight to tan. I look as dark as I was before I was put under house arrest.

Hauling Water
We emailed and shopped. Got to the house and took a speedy shower, then went to Sister Andreanas for FHE. She gave us Fufu..... man it was so much... It came to the point of nearly gagging with each bite because of how much was already in the stomach...

Fetching the Water
Tuesday was definitely different. I gave the instruction at District Meeting which went well. But after we all went to eat after we discovered a water problem at the chapel. So the only solution was to haul water from the storage poly tanks by bucket into the baptismal font.... 2-6. It took us 4 hours and it still wasn't to the preferred water level. The baptism went well though and that's what matters. After the baptism we went home because we were soaked and tired. :)

The average Millipede
Wednesday was pretty normal. We had a super powerful lesson with a man named Kenneth. If he keeps giving us time then he should progress very quickly. :) After him though no one was around and no one would answer their phones... So we did our best by talking to people on the streets. Not much success but at least people are seeing us.

Fetching Water for Sister Fausty
(she was super sick)
Thursday was dedicated to finding people. We talked with tons of people and found 3 great people, which will hopefully continue to give us time. The Lord guided us to some of them and so I have high hopes for them. :) Didn't teach anyone though, lessons seem rather difficult to get. PEC was good and after we went to see Brother Kenyas daughter, Ula, who was in the hospital. We gave her a blessing and wished her well.

A glimpse of our area. :)
Friday was way slow. Nothing happened.... The days go by so much faster when people give you time. But when no one is interested, it's hard to fill the time. We stopped by Fausty and found that she was way sick, so we grabbed some of her buckets and fetched some water for her. Edward was with us for the day which was kind of a waste since no one was around. Sometimes life is hard and we just have to roll with it!

Saturday was a lot better. We had 2 lessons right off the bat. One with Kenneth and another with a man that lives next to him. Kenneth is so nice to teach. He gave us tons of praise after the lesson because of how we teach. He loves how in our church we focus on prayer, letting him know for himself, and how we are not like the Jehovah Witnesses who are very argumentative and try to force it down your throat. We focus on his questions and help him learn. He loves it and we love him. :) The day was pretty normal after that. Ever looking for people to teach.

Even with little success, the week flew by. The area is big, the sun is hot, and I'm happy. Life is just dandy. Church was great. We had 5 investigators show up. Our members are doing such a great job in bringing them to church. We had a lesson with Elizabeth during 3rd hour since we had a translator and since she was free. She had some wonderful questions about the priesthood and baptisms for the dead. She said that she'll keep coming to church as long as she keeps feeling the spirit. I guess that means forever then huh? ;)

Bishop's wife had a birthday party at her place and so she invited the whole ward plus the missionaries and fed them all fufu or rice depending on the one they wanted. I ate fufu and then finished Elder Bay and Elder Tauveli's rice since they had already had 2 FMs before it and one more after. So I was nice and full. They gave me an organ with my fufu..... and I can't tell you what it was or from what animal..... welcome to Africa!

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