Monday, January 9, 2017

A Nurse in Ghana

Sorry, I'm terrible with my camera, nothing interesting is happening...
He peed on my leg just after the picture....
Monday was so so. I washed to the point where my fingers were raw... Which makes eating Fufu a pain. All the places in Takoradi were closed due to the Christmas holiday so we proselyted instead so that we could go and email Wednesday. Jennifer and Ophelia gave us Coco (porridge) which was way nice compared to other porridge's, but neither of us are porridge dudes. The Kenyas had us over for FHE, we taught about how we can be teachable like King Lamoni and strive for knowledge. Then they gave us some nice plantain and beans. :)

Tuesday, Elder Bay gave a nice instruction which he titled Love One Another. I had some good notes and will be sure to apply them. We also had a sweet day for teaching! We had 3 lessons! Janet, Jessica, and Charity. :) No effort is wasted. Elder Masendi also had a baptism so we went and helped out with that.

We finally saw Comfort. It's been weeks since we last saw her. She's always been super busy but she finally gave us time. After we went and ate Fufu at our best chopbar with our left over Christmas call money, 2 cedi Fufu, 3 cedi chicken. So nice. :)

We went and emailed since Monday didn't work out and then we went and saw Jessica. Charity wasn't home, so we went to Jennifer and Ophelia's place and visited with them small, just as we were about to leave Faustina (a friend of theirs) fell and sliced her hand just below the thumb super deep. You could see the 3 layers. Skin, facia, and muscle.... Eish. They knew I have medical experience so they just handed her over to me. We got the bleeding to stop and then cleaned and sanitized it then let it dry. Bandaged it and got her squared away. Elder Williams, on the way home was wondering what they would have done if I hadn't been there. I just pray they wouldn't have gone to the hospital.

Cleaning crew
Thursday just cruised by. We had our weekly planning, but then we had our interviews with Mission President at the Chapel at 3. When we got there though they were kind of behind. When they finished it was nearly time for WCM and PEC.

On Friday all of our plans crashed and burned and then blew up. We eventually wandered our way to Judith's house (a member) and asked her to show us some Less Actives (like legit ones, not the ones that didn't come last week). She showed us a girl named Linda and her mom. Linda is 17 and just delivered a handsome baby boy. So we'll be seeing her and doing our best to strengthen her. On our way home Elder Andreasen called and needed to be guided in to our house. So we gapped it clear across a hill or two to be able to direct him to our road. End the day with an uphill sprint....

Considering that it's New Years Eve, we saw more people than we would expect. Teaching Charity was refreshing. We taught about temples and just had a good conversation. After she fed us rice and light soup. Her light soup is just divine. We saw Janet and Jessica. Jen and Ophelia had us over for Fufu -- the only catch was that we had to pound it for 14 people.... Gotta love those blisters. They gave me a massive bowl and I just destroyed it and still had space. I can eat Fufu all day. :) We all went to the chapel for watch night (an entirely new concept for me) and we sat and watched the end of the Testaments video and then listened to a bunch of people ramble Fante.

New Years day was nice and sweet. Our combined sacrament meeting was smooth and well. After though we went to Hagar Bossman (a recently returned missionary) house, because she had invited all of the missionaries in the area to come and enjoy some food. She gave us a massive tray of rice for all of us to share, we barely managed to finish it and she brought a massive bowl of Wakye. (Wachee  the ky combo makes a 'ch' sound) Eish. I tried to leave a little room because the Owus also had invited us over. When we got there they gave us a big bowl of Fufu with light soup since they know I can't eat the groundnut soup. So thoughtful. :) It tasted almost Hispanic, like something you would get at a Latin restaurant back home. So nice. :) A good way to celebrate the new year. :)

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