Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Flooded Room, Maggots, and an Apostle :)

Komenda Beach
Monday was sweet. We started by playing football as a district. Tons of fun. But since we have no water in the house, we had to take a sachet shower. Emailing in Cape was great. The Zone Leaders needed us so we waited for them, which nearly ruined us for shopping in the market. Luckily we were able to find our things. Came home and found that our room had been flooded by our bathroom sink. Since the water was gone we thought that it was turned off..... guess not. So we got that all mopped up before going to bed.

Fat Babies :)
We bought fish last night in Cape. And in the morning, we found big massive maggots all over and inside one of the fish. We bought a spoiled fish.... so nasty. Elder Seba insisted on cooking it -- we let him have it all to himself. District meeting was good. After, we went and had lunch and then tried to see people. No one was free, so we wandered around and found some sweet people. We pray that some will be serious. In the evening we went to Dina's to finish and she fed us Banchi dough with Okra soup. It is honestly so hard for me to eat Okra because of the texture. Swallowing loogies is not natural. So we ended up chucking half of the dough into the bush clear across the dirt road by them and let the cats help us out with the stew.

Zone Leader Exchange!
Wednesday we started at Dinas and she taught us how to make Jollof rice. I love that rice so much. All day I was sneezing non-stop. It was so bad. I got a huge headache from sneezing too many times. We were able to see Gifty, a new investigator. She's young but seems like she likes the message even with me having snot running down my face.

Thursday was sweet. Elder Knecht made some super nice burritos in the morning. Man, I was stuffed. We didn't teach anyone all day. But we did wander most of Komenda and ended up finding one woman also named Gifty -- a young mother that will hopefully be serious. Dina fed us again in the evening: Banchi dough with Palmnut soup and Okra. It was better because of the soup, but it was still hard to finish. That dough and the Okra don't mix.

Komenda Beach
Friday, the Zone Leaders came to spend the day with us to give me so training and to see the area. Elder Neville and Elder Masendi. I love them. Elder Neville came with me and I showed him around town. We weren't able to teach anyone because no one was home, but we tried having a few GC's with some people. They left around 4. I love those guys. :) Dina fed us AGAIN. This time Kokonte with Light soup and Okra. We scooped out the okra, though, since it's just a big wad. I love light soup. She had a nice barbell at the house and so she let us take it home. Just packed it home on my shoulders. :) I love working out.

4 Generations :)
Saturday was kind of messed up. We started by weeding for Felicia in front of her house. Came home and prepped and then went and taught Dina the Law of Chastity. I love teaching her. She's our most serious investigator right now. Felicia had us over for Jollof and it was wonderful. Man, I was stuffed. But after that, the day was bumbed out. The weather and the funerals were not helping the work. It was so rough.

Sunday was fantastic, though. Dina came to church and enjoyed it a lot. We went to Ola and had a nice time hearing from Elder and Sister Renlund. Our leaders are such wonderful and inspired people. I love them so much. :) I got to see my son, my grandson, and his son. So we had 4 generations all together! Pretty sweet. :) Came home and made banana bread and then went to Dina's because she invited us for dinner. I love her. :) The Germans invited us over to their house since this week and next they will be going back to Germany. We we brought the banana bread and visited with them for a bit. They are some awesome people. It's a pity they aren't members..... yet. :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I love Komenda :)

Monday was pretty sweet. We got out a little late. But when we got to Cape, everything went super smooth. Emailing, pulling our sub, and shopping was great. Elizabeth had us over for fufu and light soup. We invited Ebeneezer. It was super nice. :)

Tuesday at District meeting I gave the instruction for Elder Manyayi. I think it went pretty well. Came back to Komenda and Mary Asma had us over for Banchi Empasi and Garden Egg stew. Super nice. :) And then Felicia had us over for corn. I love her. After, we taught Albert and then finished with Lizzy and her crew by teaching them the plan of salvation. I made another little girl fall asleep. :)

Companion Selfie!
Wednesday was transfer day! I'm super sad to see Elder Manyayi go. We went to the station to pick Elder Andreasen's son. His name is Elder Seba, he's an Ivorian. So he only speaks French and a little English. We'll become boss at Charades. :) Saw Elder Bingham, the nephew of a ward member. Sweet kid. :) When we got back, Elder Knecht showed me around to their investigators. Life is good. :)

Started by seeing Dina and Helina. They're the family that we farmed for last time. Taught Justina the rest lesson 2. Gladys and Grace fed us some small soup and achekye. They're so kind. Saw some people that I didn't know and then taught Cecilla in the evening.

Friday was kind of a bumb day. We got bounced around and then ended up at Gladys'. She gave us some biscuits which must have been dusted in peanut powder. Just a small reaction but the benadryl knocked me out for the rest of the day. Allergies suck.

Saturday morning we added a water jug to my back for pushups, finally felt a burn. :) We taught Dina again and had a great lesson. Tried to see Terresa but bounced to Ebeneezer's and taught Fati. She's a muslim girl that always comes to church. Played with the children and then taught a different Terresa. :) We got our water meter shut off, so we don't have any water....

Sunday was good. Patrick came to church. We banked on Mary Asma making us food, but she was busy. So we made a nice stew instead. We only saw Dina and that family. We did visit Mami Esi though because she didn't come to church. Elder Knecht gave me a super nice hair cut. My best one on mission and it was his first time cutting hair. Love it. :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I'm Staying!!!! :)

Sister Gladys
Monday, we got everything done fast and got out at a good time. But we got a terrible tro! Back seat, windows are sealed, 15 people in the car.... Sooooo hot. Man, I was dying. Cape was normal and good. We came home and went out and had a nice lesson with Mami Esi because we had Ebeneezer. He's such a good kid.

Mami Yaw
District meeting was good. We had a nice discussion on finding new investigators. After, we tried to see plenty of people. We started with Felicia and then went and saw 2 women named Hannah and Gladys. Went and taught Albert and then went to Mami Esi because she wanted us to come over for fufu. Elder Andreasen got called to train.... I had a flood of mixed emotions. I'm so stoked that he's training, but I wanted to stay in Komenda so bad. I was so depressed....

Albert and Jane :)
Wednesday I had gotten in under wraps small. We had a good day. I started saying my goodbyes (hence all the pictures of people). Ebeneezer helped us teach Elizabeth and Joseph and Mami Ama, then we went to PEC and after taught Ernest. We finished the night with a great group: Justina and her friend, Mary. Justina is the more serious one. But we had a wonderful lesson with them and a few others, and it was awesome.

15 weeks was not long enough
Thursday we started the day by seeing Elizabeth and that crew. I love all of the children there. Had a great lesson with Stephanie and then had a nice one with Albert and his family. :) We taught Justina again. Her understanding is wonderful, plus she translates everything we say to all of the Fante speakers there.

Elder Andreasen went to the mission home for his trainers' meeting, so I was with Elder Knecht for the day. And Elder Manyayi had gone to Kissi on exchange, so we also had Elder Pelly-Kally. Super sweet day. We went and bounced a bit and then taught one of their guys named Patrick. He's super prepared for the gospel. Gladys made us a super nice light soup. Man it was delicious. When Elder Andreasen got back, we went and taught Justina again. :)

Grace and her girls
Saturday morning we all went farming for one of their investigators. The weeding was super easy because it was raining. Loved it. We went home and got cleaned up, but then we came back to eat fufu with light soup. :) Had a nice lesson with Kojo and Felicia. Tried to see others but only got to see Justina. Elder Young called.... (the AP) and told me I was being called as a District Leader and he told me that I would be the DL of Komenda!!! What the freak?! I get to stay in Komenda! :) I lose all my investigators but I still get to see them. :) I'm soo soo soo soo happy. :)

Primary Children!
Sunday was 2 years to the day that I touched down on Ghanaian soil for the first time. Time flies. We picked Felicia for church. We had 7 investigators come to church! We've averaged like 1 or Zero. 7! :) President and Sister Hillam (new Mission President and his wife) came to church too. Mary Asma gave us fufu with palmnut soup. That soup was soooo nice. Took a half-hour nap and continued. We taught Justina and then Elizabeth and that crew. At both places I put a little girl to sleep. :) I'm just that soothing. ;) This week started rough, but I loved how it turned out! :)

Photos from the Mission President:
Today was a wonderful day in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission - never to be forgotten.  Elder and Sister Renlund visited the mission.  Elder Renlund is one of the 12 apostles. He and his wife along with Elder Vinson, Africa West Area President and his wife Sister Vinson instructed us and bore testimony to this great work we are engaged in.  As we arrived at the church the assistants had organized the entire mission for this picture.

Words cannot begin to express what it was like to walk around the corner and see all of our missionaries gathered together!  We love them all.

The Komenda Branch.
The Branch loves Elders Manyayi, Knecht,
Park and Andreasen.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Finishing Strong

Mission Home!
Monday started early again, just finishing up Elder Knechts meds for Malaria. Cleaned and did my stuff, then rested small to help me catch up a bit. We went to Cape and everything was normal. Elder Knechts isn't eating, so we need to start forcing him. Poor kid.

Dashing Duo
Tuesday morning we had interviews with President Hillam. He's such a sweet guy, I like him a lot. Sister Hillam talked to us about cleanliness while the others were in their interviews. They came back to the house to check on Elder Knecht. We had a bunch of extra coconuts so I cut some open and let them try it. It was their first real coconut. :) But we've also been having a water problem, so the water is either tiny or not at all. Love that.

Finish Strong
Wednesday was Elder Manyayis and my finish strong meeting at the mission home. We went there for the day and got motivated and pumped up to keep working hard and to not settle. President Hillam did such a great job. :)

Studs :)
Thursday was pretty good. Taught plenty people and had a good working day. We taught Grace and then Steph. We need to be teaching Grace more. Bought some hard coconuts and then taught Albert and another Grace.

September Group
Friday was also good. We taught Grace again and then wandered around trying to find more people to teach. We found a nice big family and they asked us to teach them right then and there. The 2 Mamis seems serious somehow and the kids are kids, so if they join us then it's a bonus. :) We had to grab Ebeneezer, though, to help us translate. We taught Ernest and some of his friends and then went to Terresa's to finish the night. I love all of the families we're teaching. :)

President and Sister Hillam
Saturday morning we tried to help a man named Fifi farm, but he bounced us so we ended up helping 2 random women on the way home. Got cleaned up and went out again. We taught that big family again and then went and chopped some fufu. However, it was cross-contaminated. Just small though, so I took some benadryl and it did the trick but it also knocked me out.

Chubby babies!
Felicia was the only one that came to church. We just need to resolve her husband's concerns and then we'll be able to baptize her. :) Mary Asma had us over again as usual for Fufu and Light soup. She gave me a huge portion this time. I finished it though. :) After, we went and visited Terresa and her family and shared a little message on the Book of Mormon. And then we closed our night by spending it with Felicia and Grace. We came home and I gave Elder Knecht a hair trim. :)

A Bunch of Sickos

Morning Football :)
Monday was really simple. We started the day by playing football with the Elders from Kissi and some of their members. They played hard but not rough and so it was super nice. I loved it. Cleaned up and went to Cape and did everything. Came home and made Hotpockets and Japatis and enjoyed a frozen Mango. :)

Tap Water
We started celebrating the fourth of July by waking up at 2:30 and my companion exploding out of both ends... poor guy. He went till 4:30 and then went again for round two from 5 to 6. Poor guy was just wrecked. He slept pretty much all day. I just cleaned the house and did productive things.

Wednesday started great. Elder Andreasen was still wrecked. I did all of my stuff and then took a nap, woke up and felt terrible! Note to self, don't take naps.... I gradually felt worse and worse and had no appetite, but in the evening I was craving Fufu and so we called Steph. Two minutes after calling Steph, she told us to go to her house and pick it! What the heck?! Talk about Hot and Ready. :) That family is so sweet. They should join the church so that they can be in the Relief Society Presidency. :)

Faustys kids :)
Thursday we had Zone Conference. It was nice to finally meet President and Sister Hillam. They are so awesome. I love them. :) Pretty much all day, though, it felt like a 400-pound dude was kneeling on my chest. I love that.... Elder Knecht also started feeling sick, so after Zone Conference I stayed home with him and the other two went proselyting.

Friday both me and my companion were feeling better. Elder Knecht was worse though, so my companion went with Elder Manyayi for the first half of the day. And then I went with Elder Manyayi the second half of the day to go do baptismal interviews for the Kissi Elders. The water in the morning was clean, then in the evening it was less clear... :) No bathing for us.

Saturday was interesting. Elder Andreasen relapsed into his sickness. Elder Manyayi and I traveled into town like 5 times to get different things like bananas and Malaria Test Kits. Having the nickname "Dr. Park" I was the one that got to test Elder Knecht... He's got Malaria. And since it's his first time, it's super bad. But he'll be all right.

My companion took this photo. :)
Sunday was our only full day of proselyting all week. Albert came to church, which was nice. After church we went and gave a couple blessings and then went and ate fufu at Stephanie's. I love fufu. :) Elder Manyayi needed to rush to get Elder Knecht some juice since that's all he can take, so I bounced with him to go get it. Anything to make sure he's comfortable and getting fed. Tried to see some people in the evening and visted Gladys. I'm on Nurse duty, so I got the night shift. Elder Knecht needs certain meds at certain times with food. So I'll wake up at 12 and 4 to prep him stuff and give him his meds. Malaria bites....