Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I love Komenda :)

Monday was pretty sweet. We got out a little late. But when we got to Cape, everything went super smooth. Emailing, pulling our sub, and shopping was great. Elizabeth had us over for fufu and light soup. We invited Ebeneezer. It was super nice. :)

Tuesday at District meeting I gave the instruction for Elder Manyayi. I think it went pretty well. Came back to Komenda and Mary Asma had us over for Banchi Empasi and Garden Egg stew. Super nice. :) And then Felicia had us over for corn. I love her. After, we taught Albert and then finished with Lizzy and her crew by teaching them the plan of salvation. I made another little girl fall asleep. :)

Companion Selfie!
Wednesday was transfer day! I'm super sad to see Elder Manyayi go. We went to the station to pick Elder Andreasen's son. His name is Elder Seba, he's an Ivorian. So he only speaks French and a little English. We'll become boss at Charades. :) Saw Elder Bingham, the nephew of a ward member. Sweet kid. :) When we got back, Elder Knecht showed me around to their investigators. Life is good. :)

Started by seeing Dina and Helina. They're the family that we farmed for last time. Taught Justina the rest lesson 2. Gladys and Grace fed us some small soup and achekye. They're so kind. Saw some people that I didn't know and then taught Cecilla in the evening.

Friday was kind of a bumb day. We got bounced around and then ended up at Gladys'. She gave us some biscuits which must have been dusted in peanut powder. Just a small reaction but the benadryl knocked me out for the rest of the day. Allergies suck.

Saturday morning we added a water jug to my back for pushups, finally felt a burn. :) We taught Dina again and had a great lesson. Tried to see Terresa but bounced to Ebeneezer's and taught Fati. She's a muslim girl that always comes to church. Played with the children and then taught a different Terresa. :) We got our water meter shut off, so we don't have any water....

Sunday was good. Patrick came to church. We banked on Mary Asma making us food, but she was busy. So we made a nice stew instead. We only saw Dina and that family. We did visit Mami Esi though because she didn't come to church. Elder Knecht gave me a super nice hair cut. My best one on mission and it was his first time cutting hair. Love it. :)

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