Sunday, September 10, 2017

Finally a Baptism!

Monday was the usual. The tro ride took forever. Got to Cape and did everything and did some last little souvenir shopping at the castle. I'm glad that I'm finally finished. :) Came home and made some super nice egg sandwiches for dinner, life is good. :)

Albert :)
District Meeting went well. I instructed on true happiness. God really does know what's best. We all ate at Terresa's after and enjoyed banku. We were only able to see Gifty today. As long as we keep seeing her then I think that she'll progress. :) Dorcus and Suni had us over to learn how to make Jollof. Just before bed we threw a small tupperware lid around that house that really zipped, we had the fans on so it really tripped out the disc. A nice way to decompress and laugh small. :)

Doreen :)
Wednesday morning we all went and weeded for Felicia's Aunt. We weeded a good amount, but we started with the wet and went to the dry.... We should have flipped that. She fed us a ton of Waakye and then we came home and napped small. Tried to see our English speakers but none were home, Ebeneezer helped us teach Kweku and Kobbina.

Mission President photo:
A view along the coast by Axim.
Our beautiful Ghana!
Thursday morning we ran to the junction and back. Mistakes. We thought it was shorter than it was. It was probably 3 and a half, almost 4 miles. I haven't run in ages! Elder Andreasen, just before we started, slipped on a rock and super manned it in the mud. Funniest thing of my life. :) We saw Kweku and Kobbina again, and then we finished at Dina's because she wanted to feed us fufu with palmnut/light soup. I've never had that before, but it was nice.

Mission President photo
We made banana bread. Some for us and some for Dina and her crew. We had a nice lesson and kind of a come-to-Jesus meeting. Often in people's prayers here, they pray to be the doers of the word and not hearers only. People only hear here and don't do. So we encouraged them to actually do what we have taught them. Life is slow when you only teach one lesson a day. Stephanie is going to UCC, so we visited with her for a bit since we won't see her again. We'll miss her so much! We saw Gladys in the evening and tried to help her little boy Sammy learn to crawl. I love that kid. :)

Mission President photo:
Saturday was a National Day of Service
in Ghana.  Our missionaries participated
in it all over the mission.  Here are the
Saints in Axim cleaning the hospital
close to the chapel.  They began at 6 a.m.
and then hurried home to clean up and
come to their Branch Conference
Adult session at 1 p.m.
Saturday we ran to the college and back. I love running next to the beach where that constant breeze is. :) I did the baptismal interview for Albert, the man I used to teach and he is more than ready. I'm so glad that he is making this decision.

Mission President photo
Chocolate pancakes for breakfast! Dina came to church and enjoyed it. She even came with us to Albert's baptism. Albert is such a good example for his family. I know that in some short time the rest will follow. :) Grace fed us fufu with light soup and the peppe was killer! But it was still nice. Then at Ebeneezer's, I put a little girl to sleep in less than 3 minutes, record time! I love children, even if they're a little dirty. That's why we wash our clothes. :)

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