Monday, December 12, 2016

Never bolt into the Bathroom. :)

Zone Volleyball :)
Monday was way fun! I woke up earlier to be able to do my workout and then we prepped for the day. Loaded up all the frozen drinks from the freezer (that's the only way to keep stuff cold long enough here in Ghana). Went to the stake center and helped set the volleyball net up. People gradually came and so we played volleyball while we waited for everyone. The Polys in our zone had gotten together and had roasted 2 pigs, so they brought them and we all enjoyed. :)

Mpintzin Zone
Tuesday Elder Williams wasn't 100% yet, but we still managed to head out at 2. Literally no one was in the house, so we spent most of our time walking. We went to Charity and while we were there Doris gave us each a coconut. Usually the milk isn't that nice, but for that one is actually pretty decent. Elder Masendi had 2 baptisms so we went and helped with those.

Our little prisoner.....
Wednesday we didn't go out because it was Election day. President wanted us to all stay inside just to be safe from any forms of conflict. So we spent the day washing, working out, and sleeping. A good day to catch up on stuff. :) While I was resting, though, Elder Williams woke me because the mouse that has been shredding everything in our room was finally in our book shelf. So we built mini baracades with pillows and began pulling things out. That little sucker busted out and hurtled the pillows and bolted into the bathroom. Mistake. Once in there, there is no way out. So we dazed it with the broom and got it pinned. Game over. :) Catching mice is one of the best adrenaline thrills. ;)

Thursday was kind of blah, voting didn't finish Wednesday and so hardly anyone was home, and if they were they just bounced us. We visited several members and saw Fausty. It was nice to be able to finally see her -- it's been awhile. After her we went to the Owu's and they gave us each a huge plate of rice and stew..... I nearly busted.

Photo by Mission President
We shuffled our way to the chapel where we had PEC. After when we were trying to find a car, some random guy gave us a lift nearly all the way to our apartment. He's gone to an LDS church before and so he recognized us and decided to help us out. Some people are so awesome. :)

God answers prayers. He answers my personal study prayers and also our everyday prayers. Each day we ask for a breeze to help keep us from getting too hot, and sure enough we get one every day. :)

Photo by Mission President: Axim
We finally had a lesson with Lucy, and it was way good too. She's super attentive and asks actual thought out questions. We went to Anoe with Edward and as we expected, all those in Anoe that we went to see, who promised us that they wanted to be seen, didn't want to be seen.

Photo by Mission President: Axim
So we started heading back and met a man named Felix and a girl named Rita. Hopefully we'll be able to follow up and begin teaching both. At the close of our day I had a deep deep conversation about gospel things. When we finished their minds were just spinning. They understood, but it was a lot to take in.

Photo by Mission President
Saturday was a little backwards, we went to the chapel at 8 for a 1-week celebration for a member who died. After we just stayed out. Vida's mom shut down Vida's baptism like hard core.... We were surprised and then super sad. She was really promising, but there are some things we can't control. We got bounced all day and then ended up helping Doris and Charity pick oranges. One came out and hit me smack in the nose. If I wasn't awake before I was then. We went home a little early so that we could do the studies that we didn't do in the morning.

Church was normal. Lots of Fante... It started to rain during the second hour though, which cooled everything down and it felt so nice. After church Charity gave us rice and light soup and then Millicent gave us yam and Kontombre stew. Man, both meals were sooo nice. We went to the Wilsons in the evening and visited for a little bit. She just gave birth and so we wanted to check in and see if we could help anywhere. :)

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