Saturday, December 24, 2016

Pentecostal Wedding :)

Pounding with Janet :)
Monday was pretty simple. We went to Takoradi and played games with about a third of our zone. We played rugby for nearly the whole time, we had 4 polys there.... So that's what we played. :) I love that sport. We ate lunch and then did our emailing and shopping. In the evening we spent time with Bro Kenya and also Bishop and his family.

Tuesday was pretty normal too. District meeting and lunch were good. Afterward we went to a new part of our area where neither of us had gone and did some finding there. We encountered a few people which will hopefully take our message seriously. :) We saw a few members and then Charity and Janet. We went to the chapel in the evening and visited with a few members, but specifically Adjua. She was having a hard day and so we did our best to cheer her up and make her laugh. She was laughing pretty hard by the time we had to go. :)

Nice food from Doris
Wednesday was rough.... we weren't able to see anyone until 4. Eish. Fausty gave us time at 4, but before we could get started, one of her neighbors started insulting her seriously for something she didn't do. (They think us white people can't hear Fante..... psych, we can. :)   ) So she was upset and told us to come back another day..... Satan has too many tactics. :( Charity was home though, and she fed us rice and a super nice light soup. I nearly licked the bowl clean. ;)

Sat down for studies in the morning, and my nose started running off my face! Eish, I couldn't study a thing because I was constantly needing to blow my nose. We gave sister Adreana's boy a blessing before they went to cape to have his surgery (he isn't able to breathe out of his nose, so they are going to fix that. ) We only saw Lucy and Charity.

Pentecostal Wedding
Friday the sun was way way hot. Hotter than it has been in a long time. We chilled at Lucy's for some time because of the shade. :) Lucy is finally coming to see what this church is really about. With time, she'll join. :) We got bounced everywhere and spent time here and there sitting in the shade to cool off. Eventually we worked our way to Janet's. She was busy but we helped her pound Fufu anyway. :) Doris fed us some super nice food. Rice, stew, and fried potatoes (however I felt so sick afterward, something about fried starches in Ghana just gets me).

Saturday was way strange. We went to the Asares in the morning to wait for Doris, Mami Yaw, and Helina. All of them were going to the wedding too. Last week an investigator invited us to her wedding and so we decided to go. She belongs to Pentecost though and so we got the full experience. Apparently she deemed us as special guests so we sat right on the front row by the speakers.... After all of their singing and dancing and screaming (preaching) and yelling, I was deaf. Linda was way happy that we came and that's what matters. :) The food was way good too. It went from 10-4. So that was essentially our day.

I've been doing a deep study of the armor of God, and the gist of it and practically the gospel is this. It's all or nothing. There is no partial armor, there are no fence sitters. Either you're protected or not, either you're on His side or you're not. We need to put on the WHOLE armor of God. I love this gospel. :) No one was really home. Or they bounced us. So we did more finding in another part of our area where we never go. A gal named Lordina seems promising. :) Millicent fed us Banku and Kontombre stew. She makes so super nice food. :)

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