Thursday, February 16, 2017

Epi Pen number 2

Monday started great! We went and played sports and then went to this place that sells burgers for 12 cedi. The best 12 cedi I ever did spend. Man it was so nice. :)

On the way home we ate at a chop bar that started out nice, but at the close of my meal I put a piece of mystery meat in my mouth and that was all she wrote. We gapped it home and I had to use my 2nd Epi Pen..... The hives and itching were soooo bad. I wanted to die and sleep, but I couldn't because I was so ramped on my Epi Pen..... Rough.

Tuesday was rough. We went to District meeting because Salt Lake changed a few things regarding the daily schedule and our key indicators. But right after we went home and I did my best to recover. My whole body hurt and itched, but it was better if I held still (AKA sleep).

12 cedi burger
Wednesday was good. We essentially saw everyone and we got a new investigator named Gloria. She stays with Fillo and so we'll be able to teach them together. The days move a lot faster when you're actually teaching people.

Thursday just cruised by. With the normal morning routine, weekly planning, and a small nap, I was ready to go. We saw Lucy and helped her fetch water. We saw Fillo and thankfully Gloria was there to help translate. We visited Fausty and then chopped Fufu. We saw some church on TV and the pastor was doing some crazy miracles and the such. So many people were present and viewing. That's what a lot of the people here are looking for. Miracles. But we're not here to do miracles. We're here to teach and bring souls unto Christ. We just need to find those that are ready.

Friday also went fast. We did our morning things and then went to the Asares to help them prepare food for the upcoming funeral. We spent all day there helping them grind corn, fetch meat and containers, cut okra and garden eggs. Busy day. They fed us twice while we were there which was way nice.

Pounding Fufu!
Saturday was way long. We went to the Asares early to help them continue to prepare food. We pounded fufu from 10:00 - 12:30 and then helped with the funeral until it finished, which included cleaning the chapel and taking everything down..... Soooo long. Afterward we took Jennifer to go and see Abigail, Mercy, and Beatrice -- and then Mary. It was a super long day.

Church was way sweet! Mary came to church! I was so excited to see her come in. :) She looked like she was right at home. She has several friends in the church and so she just went from class to class walking like she owned the place. :) It was so nice.

After church the Asares invited us again to come and eat some food to thank us for our help. The gave us rice and a hearty meat pie which tasted so nice. We visited some investigators: the Intifuls and then the Owus. Came home and wound down. Had a good chat with Elders Iumalo and Swartbooi. A pretty decent week.

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