Tuesday, February 28, 2017

500+ and Grumpy Kidneys

Playing Ludo with Emmanuela
Monday was nice but tiring. We went for sports at the Takoradi Stake Center. It started to rain though and so we gapped it to the internet cafe. But all the cafes we checked were either powerless or super packed! So we went home and ate at the Zongo chopbar.

Hard Coconuts :)
The roads were way muddy, and when we got home there was no water!!!!! So I couldn't shower!..... I already smelled bad so I just did my work-out, and guess what? My new push-up max is...... 85 Baby! 85 straight! Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to breach 100. Water came back small small so I took a bucket shower.

Mpintsin Zone
I washed in the morning since there was no water Monday. We had the normal District meeting and chopbar. After we went to Takoradi to do our emailing. We came back and saw Phillomina, and also Abigail and Mercy. And none of them are willing to pray or come to church.... So how can you know the truth?! They claim to love our message but then never act on it!!!! Frustration....

Photo by Pres. Stevenson:
"The Scouts served as ushers again.
Here is President Dzikpe
inspecting the troops.
They are pretty passionate.
One of the boys came up to me,
raised his knee up then smartly
put it down while saluting me,
followed by a warm handshake."
Before we went out, power and water finished.....Life..... We've been catching some of our investigators dodging us. Gloria is the only serious one really. It seems that the friends and families are working against us. Satan is so diligent in ruining lives!

Mpintsin Stake Conference
Thursday was poop. It was not nice krah oh. While I was cooking, my insides got way upset. All of them. We still went out but my kidneys were screaming at me all day -- which made for a long and tiring day. I did, however, play Ludo with Emmanuella. It's essentially Trouble/Sorry with a dice.

Friday was a lot better. And I did Level 5 in the morning. 10 sets of 50 push-ups! Every morning I try to do push-ups and lately I've been breaching 500. See progression! ;)

We had interviews with President Stevenson. I love interviews. All my gospel questions get answered. :) In the evening lights went out, which made for a long night of restlessness.

Photo by Pres. Stevenson:
"We are still in Harmattan season,
but the rains seem to be coming."
Saturday was good. We had stake conference at 11:30. President Stevenson and Elder Tawiah of the Seventy gave wonderful talks. We ate fufu afterward and all our appointments bounced us. Doris did give us a coconut though, so we chopped them after chilling them in the fridge in the evening.

Sunday we picked Gloria for church. She came and was listening very intently to the Conference. She seemed to be enjoying it, and so I hope that she'll continue to come.

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