Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Doomso Doomso (no power)

Proselyting with Doris! :)
Monday was the first normal P-day in a long time. Elder Rugundana and I washed and cleaned everything and then chilled forever and a half. Finally left at 12:30. Found a new cafe that does 10 hours for 6 cedi and it's fast. Shopped and wandered small. We walked in the house and power went out...... Which lead to a long and super hot evening. Sleep was shot because power came back like 4-5 times during the night but then it left right away.

Love Joy sporting
my comp's glasses.
I love children. :)
Tuesday, Elder Etim (my grandson) gave his first instruction at district meeting, and it went a lot better than I thought it would. Chopped Fufu as usual and then Doris gave us a partially spoiled 'sweet apple' and we helped her transplant some plantain trees. At midweek I talked to Michael and he dashed me a pack of 50 rolls of t-roll! Some blessings that are small and simple, are big and phenomenal to missionaries. :)

Proselyting with Linda
Power went out at 6, and came back by 6.... So all morning was straight suffering. The whole house was a blast furnace. We did manage to get a new investigator named Prince. He's a pretty chill guy and seems to be loving what we teach and has genuine questions and a desire to have his mother taught too. Gifty is straight not serious. Doris came with us to teach both. We used Judith to teach Mercy, but she still isn't keeping commitments so we're thinking about giving her some time. We stopped by the Owus for a bit. At the house Bro Jesse brought me a letter from the stake and from the Lights! Such pleasant surprises. :)

Mission President photo:
Mpintsin Zone / The zone conference
training topic is: "Helping people
make and keep commitments that
will lead them to come unto Christ."
We did our weekly planning and then lights went out again. Life isn't always easy. When we went out though we felt a wonderful breeze all day. God cares. :)  We had a great lesson with Prince. I like him already. :) WCM and PEC was an experience. These leaders are nothing like any of my other leaders I've had. Got home and guess what.... Still no power! Eish.

Mission President photo:
We met with four zones this week
for interviews -- mostly in the
Western Region.
Ended up being one of the worst nights of my mission. I got a total of an hour of sleep. We need to sleep under a net to keep us from getting malaria, but the only places with nets are our beds, and our beds are fetching hot. I wanted to sleep on the floor but couldn't..... I ended up taking a nap before going out on the hard cold wonderful tile floor. :) Power didn't come till 7. Which resulted in no lessons. No one will be in the mood to see you if it's Doomso.

Mission President photo:
We had to stop the conference for a few
minutes because of a heavy rain that
passed through.  The pounding on the
metal roof made it impossible to
hear anything that was being said.
This is the strangest
"dry season" we have seen.
Saturday was sweet. We went for Chapel cleaning in the morning, came back and prepped. Then picked up Linda to go see Dina and Dina. It was a wonderful lesson. They had and will continue to have good questions because they actually read what we give them. We went to Anoe to find some members and then gapped it to Eshiem to support those Elders' baptism. Transfer news came! And I'm staying for one more! Which I'm stoked about.

Mission President photo:
We reminded them to take their
Doxycycline every day,
wash eggs, fruit and vegetables
in soap, bleach and water,
sleep under a mosquito net
and wash your hands.
Sunday we woke up early to be able to go and pick Phillomina since we have 8 o'clock church. That's the only downer for the first session. Is that you don't have time to pick investigators. Charity and Christiana also came to church. :) We picked Ophelia to go see Dina and Dina which, as I said, was another great lesson. She also showed us some more members on the other side of the area and some past investigators that others had dropped. The rains came but only for a bit, just to make enough mud to soil your shoes. Came home and the house had NO water, not one drop. If it's not one problem, it's another.... But we take what we take and make it work. :)

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