Thursday, April 14, 2016

African Root Canals

An innocent-looking
trouble maker :)
Our zone decided to have an activity in the morning. They decided to play basketball in Cape, so Elder Connelly (from Hamilton New Zealand) and I went since our companions didn't want to go. It was nice to see everyone in my new zone and see some familiar faces. After, we showered at the old apartment, then met our companions at the cafe and continued on our day.

Had to take a Trotro home, they jam 15 or so people into a van and then drive like they're on something... then again all Ghanaians drive that way. Gymed in the evening with our neighbor who is big into gyming. A good first P-day in the new area.

Black Emma ;)
My district has 3 of my TC's, so 4 of us are together, which is pretty sweet. We went to an orphanage in our area since we were invited by one of the volunteer workers there. It's a nice little place and they do a really good job with the kids. One of the workers is actually from Berlin Germany, Marie Wiedemann. As a side note, we have some Wiedemanns in our family tree way back when (on my Grandpa Helmut's side). :) Then again it is a small world.

Wednesday was pretty standard. We found another Jehovah Witness :) and had a nice little discussion with her. It's interesting to see how all of them defend their bible, even after you show them that they have removed verses... Eish, they're so argumentative and just ready to pick a fight. But it's okay because we know we've already won. :)

To Esimekrom
Thursday had one big event.... The dentist. That word is just bitter to say. They gave me the maximum dosage of Lydocane and still I wasn't very numb. So what's their response? Just bare with it for 10 minutes or so until we get the nerve out..... WHAT?!?! 10 minutes of head-racking pain?!?!

But it's okay, what has to be done needs to be done... And before I knew it, the painful part was over and then began the time consumption. After they were all finished, we went home and I crashed until the next morning.

The sun was so bad on Friday, but the Lord answers prayers and so we had a nice breeze for a lot of the day.

Professional Fufu Team
Our members are struggling to help us. We need translators bad, but we don't have anyone to translate. So our lessons have been pretty low.

We started the day by going to Emisekrom, which is a 30-minute hike through the bush. Super pretty, and super fresh. Eish, these people work ahhh. They walk forever, and then do hard labor just to make sure a few plants will grow right. And then get little profit, if any, at the time of the harvest. Life is not easy for people here. To be honest, though, I like the bush more than the city. It's so much quieter and peaceful, as well as clean and fresh. Occasionally we have to jump over and or wade through streams, but all is well in the work of the Lord.

Our little stream :)
I kind of like going to church in a school. It's so hard to teach on Sundays, though. Everyone is never free. But we managed to have a solid lesson with Mary Otu and her husband Yaw (pronounced Yow). My companion and I made Fufu for Grace. He pounded while I drove the cassava. First time driving! ;)

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