Monday, April 25, 2016

Chewing Charcoal

Yamoranza Zone!
First thing of the week, power goes out. Our little tiny apartment becomes a little tiny blast furnace..... So washing and cleaning was slightly miserable, but Jesse came and brought us our supplies, along with a package from home! Woooo! I found a nice little photo album which was my highlight.

Went to Cape and became a tour guide. The other guys wanted me to show them around to all the best places to buy things since I kind of know the town... :)

Got back and gymed small, then talked with Elder Connelly. He's from New Zealand (where Rach served) and chatted quite a bit about the wonderful NZ. :)

We called Semon (our homie of a taxi driver) and he took us to Yamoranza for our combined district meeting. It was MLC report so they went over things which are good to hear.

Service baby!
Lessons were low due to no translators. Enjoyed some fufu, but eish... since coming to Asebu my stomach has not been the happiest camper. It's the ever-present wanting to puke feeling just below my sternum... but life is life, so we deal with it.

Wednesday, we went out a little earlier since we were going to do some service in the evening. And then when we finished we would close for the day. We began teaching a few people, but then my stomach was not having any of it. So I knelt down and rested on a stool, to elongate my abdomen and align my insides, but to no avail. My companion fed me charcoal, because, apparently that works.... (#african remedies.....) it didn't. Went back to the house and chilled in front of the toilet for the rest of the night.

Thursday I still felt sick. Tried to have studies, but I ended up chilling in front of the toilet for a couple hours. Watched some Mormon Messages since that's more entertaining than a motionless porcelain bowl of water...... Mary called (an investigator) and asked to see how I was doing. She ate charcoal with me the day before and was worried with my condition. She's such a sweet lady, and needs to be baptized. ;)

Stayed most of the day in the house, but being sick and having nothing to do makes time just creep by. Eish, so boring. So boring that we decided to go out for just a little bit and suffer, but it was worth it because it was so much better on the mind.

The classic shoe picture
Friday was finally like a normal day. My stomach was strong enough to go out. We went on a small exchange since we needed to have some people interviewed for baptism. 3 of them live in another village 30 minutes walk from Asebu. So Elder Connelly and my companion went to get them, and then Elder Machaka and I stayed in the area and tried to teach, but unfortunately, we couldn't get a translator.

Stomach returned on Saturday..... you know it's not good when you are praying to puke just so you feel better after. Eish, stomach problems.

But we went out in the afternoon because we had a baptism. And so we needed to go and collect our candidates and shuttle us all to the Yamoranza chapel where they have a font. We baptized 4: Grace, Godswin and Godsway (they're twins), and Lucas. It was so nice, I love baptisms so much, especially because my little bro slice Coulter just got baptized too. :) And all of them are youth, which is nice, because now they have a full life of gospel living and blessings ahead of them.

Such wonderful kids. :)
Sundays in Asebu are slightly harder. The only English is the hymns and the sacrament prayer, and then the rest is strictly Fante, woooo..... Teaching is also hard, especially with a Royal funeral in session. So we went to Bantanya to check on 2 of our members, but they weren't home, so we made the 25-minute trek back to Asebu. Got back and we were just famished. That's the biggest problem we have, is once we are in the area, we need to stay in the area. They only give us enough money to get to and from our area once a day, plus small emergency. So we can't afford to go back and forth just for food. But we were so hungry that we had to. Nearly every Sunday is a fast Sunday. Or so it feels like. But weeks like these make you appreciate the outstanding ones, where life is just dandy. My stomach is improving, and I hope it will continue. :)

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