Monday, April 25, 2016

Mice, Dogs, and Antelope

Wonderful reunions. :)
It's routine: every Monday we have lights out, which kills all major activities in the Apartment. Layed on the coldish floor until we decided to go out.

We all cruised the market and got everything for a huge 3-man stew (my companion doesn't like stew....) Emailed and went to Melcom to get a few things. Bought some Mangos. Strangely, the ones that are picked off the tree just hours earlier taste way better than the ones back in the US that are imported.... :)

On Tuesday, Elder Machaka had a UTI.... I diagnosed him last week and he didn't believe me... went to the clinic and they told him he had one. I could work in a Ghanaian clinic with my ity bitty bit of education that I have. ;)

Wedding at Aunty Alice's farm
But I had to conduct District meeting in their absence. It went well. After we went into the area, and the sun was hotter than all outdoors. Lessons were good though. Granted they are better when we have a translator.

Wednesday was so nice. Elder Vinson (Africa West Area President) came on a mission tour and came and spoke to all of the missionaries in Central region. He's such a wonderful man and has spent so much of his life dedicated to the Lord. His instruction and advice is so beneficial for us all. His wife also is so wonderful. She has her own way of inspiring, which just makes me want to get my life started when I return home. :) Our leaders are called for His special reasons. :)

Can I help you? :)
First time going to Aunty Alice's farm. It was honestly not as bad as the other Elders made it seem it would be. Although, she did feed us some sketchy Benku and FanteFante. She gave us tons of Oranges which is so nice of her.

Lessons were sooooo slow. It's always a hit and miss, but those that always do give us time are so nice because they also usually ask wonderful heartfelt questions which bring them closer to salvation. :)

Friday, Derek is finally beginning to see that his church is not Christ's church. I really hope that his prayers are answered soon. He would make a wonderful contribution to the branch and would be wonderful to his family. His sister is already a member in a different branch.

I want to bring this one home. :)
We had a long lesson based on Deut. 22:5 all because some pastors interpret it an incorrect way. So we did our best with poor translators to re-correct this false doctrine, but to no avail because she wasn't understanding us.... Eish.

Taught a taxi driver in Batanyaa. He belongs to SDA (7th day Adventist) but his heart has been so so prepared by the Lord. It'll take time, but I know that he'll accept the gospel. :)

Saturday I was sicker than two dogs.... Woke up and just chilled in the bathroom for a couple hours. After finishing, I made a delicious steak and egg sandwich. Prepped the beef last night and enjoyed it in the morning. It reminded me of Gandolfos and Betos, so nice.

One last one... :)
The Abakrampa Elders had some baptisms today, so we went to Yamoranza to support them. On the way there though, while we were trying to find a cab, a mad man came and just gave me the biggest bear hug. My companion tried to tear him off of me. When he finally released, I beheld that my white shirt was now a half white half brown shirt.... wonderful.

Sunday is a day to remember. The block of hours was normal, only most of the branch came so we had a strong 35-40 members!

After church we blew through all of our possible appointments. However, we were able to watch a member's brother + crew catch and slaughter a dog. This is why I prefer using a gun....

Pricilla made us Rice and stew which was so nice. And also had a nice little photo shoot with Mami Esi. :) I love that little girl so much. A friend of ours shot an antelope in the morning and then gave it to us in the evening, we'll chop it tomorrow.

Professional dog.... butchers?
Bright came with us to Batanyaa to teach Kwesi the taxi driver. I love teaching that man. When we got home, we saw THE mama mouse. Now I say "the" because we've been eliminating the children one by one when we find them. We've killed 4 small ones and have been hunting the big one for 3 weeks now. Well, those 3 weeks ended. We got it under the fridge. I moved the fridge so it would run towards my companion. After he dazed it, we swept it out and over to the cat, stepped away and watched the cat pounce just like they would on Animal Planet. So sweet. :)

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